
Fluff: Two and a Half Men star says you shoud change the channel.

1. Two and a Half Men star pleads with viewers not to watch the show. (As if we really needed prompting?) Angus T Jones, who played half-a-man Jake for almost 10 seasons of the show, has had a religious awakening that has since caused him to label the show that brought him fame as ‘filth’. (Watch the interview below from around the 7 minute mark)

Jones says of his former character: “Jake from Two and a Half Men means nothing. He is a non-existent character. If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop . . . I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it and filling your head with filth. People say it’s just entertainment. Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch.”

Thanks for the tip Jake, but we’d actually changed channels already.

2. This is what Justin Bieber wore to meet the Prime Minister of Canada: CLICK HERE. (It’s also how he pissed a lot of people off). What do you think?

3. Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter to follow in her pouting, sultry footsteps… at the age of 6. Dannielynn Birkhead is the face of a new Guess fashion campaign, the same label that her mother fronted advertisements for, almost two decades ago.

Dannielynn Birkhead
Anna Nicole Smith


Since her mother’s death from a drug overdose 5 years ago, Dannielynn has lived with her father in California. Parenting experts have told the UK press that they are concerned for the young girl being thrust into the spotlight so early on, given her family’s background.


4. Lady Gaga wanders into her kitchen naked. As you do. She’s also released the second teaser for her new song.


Chris Brown.

5. Chris Brown sinks (even) lower with vile abuse

Someone just needs to tell Chris Brown to stop doing things. ALL the things. Because he’s just reached a whole new devastatingly depressing low by abusing a woman on Twitter.

The 23-year-old singer – who is, incidentally, still on probation for beating his girlfriend Rihanna in 2009 – abused comedy writer Jenny Johnson after she replied to one of his tweets calling him a “worthless piece of s**t”.

In return, he repeatedly called her a “ho”, a “pathetic b*tch” and told her to “take them teeth out when u Sucking my dick HOE.”

And then there was the below CHARMING tweet which Jenny retweeted:

Jenny retweeted this from Chris Brown.


Chris Brown has since deactivated his entire Twitter account but the retweets on Jenny Johnson’s account remain.

This from the New Zealand Herald:

Johnson finished her back-and-forth with the singer by saying: “Okay. I’m done. All I got from that exchange with Chris Brown is that he wants to s**t and fart on me.”

She later posted: “I have zero respect for a person who seems unapologetic for the terrible crime he committed and shows no signs of changing.”

In 2009, Brown assaulted Rihanna during an argument in Los Angeles. He later pleaded guilty to assault.

Recent rumours say he has reunited with Rihanna, after the pair were spotted together during his tour in Europe recently.

To quote one of the women you abused on Twitter, Chris Brown: Your mother must be so proud of you.

6. Beyonce shares another photo of Blue Ivy and ovaries all around the world begin to melt. Take a look.


7. The woman who transformed herself into Barbie. For very young girls, ‘Barbie’ seems a perfectly appropriate response to the ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ question. Thankfully, when they actually grow up, they realise that being an ill-proportioned plastic doll who can’t wear flats is not a particularly sensible life choice. Well… most of them do.

For Ukrainian model Valeria Lukyonova, some radical plastic surgery was all she needed to make her dream a reality. The 21-year-old became an internet sensation when a video was released, detailing the surgical procedures she allegedly underwent in pursuit of the Barbie look.

Now she’s the star of a photo shoot in V magazine’s ‘Girl Power’ issue (yes, really. Was it Alanis Morissette who sang about things being ironic?) As if digitally altered high fashion shoots and disturbingly unhealthy models didn’t already send enough messed up messages about women’s bodies, now it’s apparently on trend to literally look like a doll. Sigh.

Need further proof that this woman is living on Planet Crazy? She told V that her ‘real job’ is a teacher at the School of Out-Of-Body Travel. Alright then…

8. You may have seen the quite disturbing images of Matthew McConaughey’s extreme weight loss and now he’s telling the world how he did it.


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