Do you give your kids chores? Or are you like me?
My Mother’s Day card from my five-year-old this year was telling.
“I love my mummy because she makes my bed.”
I do.
Every morning I tuck the little blue sheets in, fluff up his pillow and smooth out that quilted cover.
I keep thinking it’s time to stop. I keep thinking it’s time to teach some responsibility to that overindulged five-year-old.
Time for him to STAND ON HIS OWN TWO FEET.
Time for him to STEP UP.
But now I am faced with the added weight of it being the thing that makes him love me.
Geeze. That’s hard.
Here is a confession.
I also make my seven-year-old’s bed.
And the bed of my four-year-old.
It’s just one daily activity on a long, long list of things-that-I-do-for-my-kids. Alongside the cooking, the cleaning, the chauffeuring, the washing, the dressing, the helping and the nagging.
Even as I write this I am slightly ashamed. I know I should be getting them to attempt to make their own beds.
I know one day I will think to myself you made this bed, now lie in it. (Sorry had to work that in there somehow...)