
Sunday's news in less than five minutes.

It’s the weekend, and so you don’t have to go searching we have rounded up the day’s top stories from Australia and around the world.

1. A teacher has been executed for molesting and raping 26 students, some as young as 4.

Li Jishun is a former Chinese primary school teacher who has been executed for molesting and raping 26 students, some as young as four, in the Western provence of Ginsu.

Li committed the abuses in the classroom, dormitories and surrounding forest between the years of 2011-2012.

“It was his job to protect them.”

The nation’s Supreme People’s court said that all of the victims were girls younger than 12 who were living in the village boarding school. The majority of the students had parents who had left the small country provence to find work.

The Supreme Court said that it was “his responsibility to educate and protect.”

Read more: Did last night’s Game Of Thrones throw in a “rape for ratings” scene?

“However, he took advantage of his status as teacher to repeatedly rape and molest the young girls, concealing his crimes and making it more difficult for his victims to resist and expose him,” the ruling said.

The execution was carried out on Thursday.

2. Dogs were thrown from cliffs: An inquiry into the greyhound industry’s use of “live baiting” has unearthed horrific stories.

More than 300 admissions from animal protection societies, owners, activists and trainers have called for the greyhound industry to be completely overhauled – or banned.


“I would like you to look into the practice of trainers throwing dogs from a lookout point at Cunningham’s Gap on the way back from the Toowoomba races,” reads one submission.

Volunteers are calling for greyhound racing to be banned.

Read more: Happy news: This greyhound puppy was rescued from near-death.

A witness to some of the atrocities like “live baiting”, Ray Cole, told inquirers he was “flabbergasted” when he went to a Queensland track in 2009 to see possums on a lure.

For a $50 fee, trainers let greyhounds loose with no muzzles to pursue the lures and kill their prey. Drugs were also on offer for dogs.

Warning: The below video of live baiting includes graphic footage.

Volunteer Alice Stafford spent $10,000 last year rehabilitating three greyhounds so they could be adopted.

The issue is they don’t appear to be a breed of dog families are looking to adopt. It’s the stigma of the greyhound that has to be changed.

Owners Madeleine Ellis and Marcus Tong said Racing Queensland had “failed abysmally” to regulate the industry.

3. Under new legislation, porn stars in California may have to wear goggles.

New rules proposed last week by the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) would require adult film actors to wear eye gear for many scenes.

The rules, which have yet to be finalised, would also impose stricter hygiene standards and outlaw common porn practices.


But the porn companies and actors say that the new rules are completely unnecessary.

“These are regulations designed for medical settings, and are unworkable on an adult film set — or even a Hollywood film set,” said Diane Duke, CEO of the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry. She said the rules would stigmatize performers and risk “shutting down an entire industry.”

Read more: This former model didn’t wear eye wear in a solarium. What happened next is tragic.

At present, condoms are one of the only things being used on porn sets in California, but even they are not regularly enforced.

“This is really about worker protection, and what the Cal/OSHA Standards Board is for,” Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare foundation, said during a public hearing last week. His group claims that “at least four adult performers… have become infected with HIV while working in the adult film industry, while thousands of other adult performers became infected with thousands of other sexually-transmitted diseases.”

The new rules wouldn’t just “clean up” porn. If adopted, they would also outlaw many practices common in adult films. Under the rules, “all bodily fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials.”

So… there won’t be as many dramatic happy endings.

4. Concerns over the sudden deaths of more than 120,000 rare antelopes.

This article was originally published by ABC News.


The sudden deaths of tens of thousands of endangered antelopes in Kazakhstan over the past two weeks have left scientists scrambling for answers and conservationists worried about the animal’s future.

More than 120,000 rare saiga antelopes — more than a third of the total global population — have been wiped out in a devastating blow that the United Nations Environment Programme has called “catastrophic”. 

Scientists are struggling to put their finger on the exact nature of the disease that has felled entire herds, but say findings point towards an infectious disease caused by various bacteria.

Kazakhstan’s prime minister Karim Massimov has set up a working group including international experts to establish reasons for the deaths and oversee disinfection of lands in the three regions where the saiga died.

The rare antelope situation has become “catastrophic.” Via ABC News.

UN experts said the mass deaths come down to “a combination of biological and environmental factors”.

Any infections have likely been exacerbated by recent rains that have made the antelopes less able to cope with diseases.

“Unseasonal wetness may have been something that lowered their immunity to infection but until we do more analysis we will not know anything for sure,” Steffen Zuther of the Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative said.

The rate of the deaths has staggered those who have studied the species.

“A 100 per cent mortality for the herds affected is extraordinary,” professor Richard Kock from the Royal Veterinary College in London said.


“We are dealing with creatures that have fairly low resilience.”

5. This American CEO is paying for his workers’ children to go to university.

“I noticed there weren’t a lot of cars in the warehouse parking lot,” Huang told CBS MoneyWatch. “I thought they were on lunch break, but they were at full shift. A lot of folks, I realised, just couldn’t afford cars.”

That prompted Boxed chief executive Chieh Huang, the son of Taiwanese immigrants, to think about how his e-commerce startup could help his employees’ families climb the socio-economic ladder, while also inspiring loyalty and commitment among workers.

Boxed Chief Executive will pay for his worker’s children to go to college.

“I thought, ‘What was it that created the upward mobility in my family, especially when my parents first came to this country?’ That enabler was access to higher education,” Huang said. “The thing is, if you can’t afford a car, how are you ever going to afford post-secondary school? That got me thinking that we are building a long-term business here, and we need to reinvest back into the folks who are committed to us.”

Huang said he’s put more than $1 million in cash and stock aside to cover the costs of paying for the college tuition of his workers’ children. He stresses that he’s putting up his own stock and cash, and that none of it is company money or funds from financial backers. (He also added that he’s not “the Oprah-type” to give away cars.)


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