
Disturbing video allegedly shows clashes between families and guards on Nauru.

“They hit us, they started hitting us,” a woman’s voice yells over a fracas in a disturbing video, which reportedly came from Nauru overnight on Wednesday.

“They hit all the kids,” she says.

Refugee advocates claim the footage was taken from inside the family compound of the Nauru detention facility during violent clashes between guards and detainees. Screaming can be heard.

Wilson Security staff allegedly lashed out at teenagers in the compound, “punching, kicking and pushing” them, but others, including women and children, were also pushed over by the guards.


Injuries reportedly inflicted on two teenagers by guards on Nauru. Image: RAC Sydney

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection confirmed a "disturbance", admitting two detainees were receiving medical treatment.

The Refugee Action Coalition reports a woman suffered a heart attack after being pushed over, while another swallowed washing powder late last night.

The riot comes after two weeks of daily protests on the island reached a tipping point when the teenagers received a letter from the Australian Border Force yesterday.

They had been told to pen their concerns following a tent-top protest over the weekend. The response they received was "dismissive and absurd in the extreme", RAC's Ian Rintoul said.

You can read it here:

The teens - some of whom have been in detention for more than three years - asked why other families who arrived on the same boats were invited to apply for protection visas in Australia.

"The protests are going to continue until the government actually rectifies the discrimination and injustice on Nauru," Mr Rintoul told Mamamia.

"There is no resettlement on Nauru and the sooner they are brought from Nauru to Australia the better for all concerned.

"The Minister has boasted that getting children out of detention was always a goal of the Turnbull government, but that claim is at odds with the fact that children, women and men are being held on Nauru -- and that the 267 who are presently in Australia are still being threatened to be returned to the prison island."

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