real life

"I'm very angry": A childcare worker breastfed this mother's baby boy against her wishes.

A US mother is pushing for charges to be laid on a childcare worker who breastfed her lactose intolerant son against her wishes.

Kaycee Oxendine was shocked and horrified to learn the employee breastfed her three-month-old on Friday after she expressively said ‘no’ to the woman’s offer, ABC11 reports.

Ms Oxendine’s infant son was in care at the centre in Carrboro, North Carolina, where she also works as a preschool teacher, when the incident happened.

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The distraught mother told ABC11 that she had to take her son to hospital later that night because he was throwing up.

“To me, a criminal act was committed against him,” she said.

“Not only did you put your breast to my son, you also made my son sick because he’s lactose (intolerant). So you’ve put something in his body that his body can’t digest.”

Kaycee Oxendine is furious. (Image via ABC11)

Ms Oxendine said the woman, who also had an infant child, had told her the baby was constipated and offered to breastfeed him to see if it would help.

"She said that she had a son and did I want her to put my child to her breast and breastfeed?" she said.

"And I said no, that’s nasty. We don’t do things like that."


However, Ms Oxendine said the worker ignored her and breastfed the boy once she had left the room - an act that was caught on security footage.

The childcare centre's director said the woman in question no longer works at the centre, but Ms Oxendine wants her to be charged.

Footage appears to show the worker breastfeeding the infant. (Image via ABC11)

"As a mum, you’ve taken something from me, because I wasn’t able to defend my child," Ms Oxendine said.

"I’m not angry at the childcare centre. I’m very angry at the employee. I do hope that there’s justice for my son."

Local police said they were investigating the incident as misdemeanour child abuse, but no charges had been laid so far.

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