Parenting, by nature, is a job of worry. It starts the second they are born (even before then) and it ends, well it never really ends.
But a new apps available to parents now allow them to track their child’s (and partners) every move through family social networks. But does that make them ok or is this just lazy parenting?
Take the time to browse the app store and you’ll find a tonne of apps all designed to alleviate the stress for parents in knowing where their children are. App’s like Familyinsafe uses GPS technology to show parents a pinpoint location of where their child is at any given moment. You can even see when they enter a pre chosen location, making them great for parents who arrive home from work after their children.
In an age of a thousand worries, this is the tool that modern parents need, according to a lot of people. Lost children, missed busses, runaways at the park. There are a million situations where an app like this might be helpful. I don't even want to mention some of the more frightening nightmares. It's also incredibly helpful to parents of teenagers, fighting each other in the battle to keep them safe, give them space. We all know how teenagers like to bend the truth a little. Well, this app could put an end to that. (Am I the only one happy it wasn't around when I was younger?!)
But is this really the right thing to do as a parent or is this just the lazy way out? As a mother of three I can see both sides of this argument. App's like the one mentioned create a big brother style environment for our children. They are under our watch all the time, and they know it. In using apps like this are we saying that we simply don't trust our teenagers. How do they learn to make decisions are flourish in a relationship of trust between parent and child if we never give them the freedom to do so?