Dear shopping centre staff. You are not police officers.
There are no trolleys for mums who are trying to shop with a toddler and a baby. Some shops have trolleys for twins, but they are few and far between. So we put the baby in the little seat and put our toddler in the big part of the shopping trolley so we can get a few things – bread, milk, headache medication – without them running off or knocking over a display of peeled tomatoes. (Why do they stack them like that?)
Now it seems the days of using, or misusing shopping trolleys are O-V-E-R thanks to some well-meaning if not over-zealous shopping centre staff and some seemingly innocuous stickers.
Wait. It gets better:
Can of worms; OPEN.
I've already confessed to my tendency to do the same. I am my children's mother and if there is a risk to take, I take it in a measured way. I am not trying to risk my children's life, I'm just trying to grab a few things without my toddler running off and after measuring the risk of my toddler running off or sitting in the trolley, I decided the trolley was safer.
This debate went on for hours with mums discussing and debating trolley-use and it almost, just almost took away from the fact the shopping centre staff had the audacity to use a sticker such as this. For a so-called 'family friendly' store it is incredibly obnoxious.
However it seems the use of stickers to shame mums is a new thing so watch out! Just two weeks ago this photo was shared on my Facebook page by a mum who had her child's school snack sent back with a 'sticker of shame'.