
How to stop your child burning themselves in the kitchen.


My children want to help with everything, including cooking.




My mother warned me that parenting just gets harder as children become older.

“Enjoy them while they’re little,” she said after I’d suffered through another sleepless night of baby feeding and soothing. “Soon they’ll be getting into everything. At least now if you put them somewhere, they stay there.”

Gosh I hate it when she’s right.

My children are now six and five and they get into everything. Everything is a toy created for their enjoyment. And they have to be involved in everything. They want to help me cook and clean and make the beds. I know, I should be happy, but everything takes three times as long when they’re ‘helping’ me. And their latest obsession is on helping me in the kitchen.

I’ve always talked to my kids about cooking so I can teach them about healthy eating, so I’m not surprised they’re so interested in it. We food shop together and talk about what we’ll make with the foods we’ve chosen. Now, they want to help me cook and clean. So making dinner now takes hours thanks to their ‘help,’ and then after dinner they fight over ‘helping’ me clean the dinner dishes.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is an advertorial for Rinnai. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in her own words.

Throughout the day I’ll find one or both of them up to their elbows in soap suds (did they use the entire bottle of dishwashing liquid) trying to scrub plates and cups that were already clean and dry, and standing in a swamp of water that has spilled over from the kitchen sink.

“Look Mum, we’re doing all the dishes so you can relax,” my six-year-old son says cheerfully.
“Yeah,” my five-year-old daughter confirms.


Please give me strength.

The Rinnai Infinity 26 Touch hot water system ensures our water is always at a safe temperature.

Thankfully we’ve installed a Rinnai Infinity 26 Touch Hot Water System in our home. So now we know our children can be safe when they turn on the tap and fill the sink with soapy, bubbly water in which to clean the already clean dishes. With Rinnai, all we do is set the water temperature to a safe level and our children will never be able to access scalding hot water. So I can let them try and help without worrying about them scalding or burning themselves.

It’s a pretty sleek design too. Rinnai has chosen a modern design for their hot water system and easy-to-use wireless remote temperature control technology. You can change the water temperature from anywhere inside your home, not just the kitchen or bathroom. So you can even be in the shower when you decide you’d like it to be lovely and hot and simply choose to set the temperature higher using the waterproof remote control.

What we do is keep the temperature lower all the time and only increase it temporarily, never forgetting to reset it to the lower temperature because the remote control is right there, reminding us.

And the Rinnai Infinity 26 Touch Hot Water System has the added benefit of being completely energy efficient. That’s what you can expect from a system that has scored an energy efficiency rating of 6+ stars.

Every home needs an Infinity 26 Touch Hot Water System. It really is the one thing families forget about when it comes to child-proofing their home. Keep everyone happy and safe and make sure you have one installed as soon as you can. You’ll be so much more relaxed around the home.

What do you do to keep your house kid-safe?

Did you know the bathroom is one of the most hazardous rooms in the house for a baby or child? Thanks to our engineers’ ongoing pursuit to make the bathroom a safer place, Rinnai’s ingenious wireless remote temperature control will take a great deal of your worry away…

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