
These 7 micro-changes could save money on your next electricity bill.

Thanks to our brand partner, Synergy

With shorter days and cooler temperatures, it’s no surprise that the colder months often bring higher electricity bills.

Thankfully, there are loads of simple changes that you can make at home to reduce your energy use and ultimately contribute to a more sustainable energy system. 

From utilising timers to making energy saving choices in the kitchen, here are seven micro-changes that could save you money on your next electricity bill. 

1. Manage your heating and cooling throughout the year.

In the cooler months, heating can account for a large portion of your electricity bill. 

Western Australia’s largest energy retailer Synergy recommends setting your heating to 18 degrees in winter. This temperature allows your air conditioner to run in the most energy efficient way. After all, every extra degree warmer means your system is using more electricity and ultimately may increase your electricity costs.

As for summer, Synergy recommends setting your cooling to 24 degrees.

Make sure to keep interior doors closed and consider just cooling or heating the rooms where you’re spending the most time to help your system run in a more energy efficient way.

2. Utilise timers on your appliances.

There’s genuinely nothing worse than having to leave your warm bed on a cold winter’s morning.

But there is a solution. Did you know that many heating systems have scheduling tools? Using a timer to turn the heating on half an hour before you get out of bed ensures you can wake up to a toasty, warm house. 

Plus, it’s more energy efficient to heat up your home gradually, rather than cranking up the heating when you first get out of bed.


The same principle applies to your air conditioner in summer. If you schedule your air conditioner to come on earlier in the day, rather than blasting it and trying to beat the heat later in the day, you’ll have a much better chance at keeping your house cool and your electricity bill lower.

3. Make energy saving changes to your lighting.

When it comes to saving energy, switching to energy-efficient LED light globes is a no-brainer. 

According to the Australian Government, LED bulbs use at least 75 per cent less energy than halogen light bulbs and generally last five to 10 times longer.

In Australia, lighting accounts for around 10 per cent of the average household’s electricity bill, so making the switch could certainly make a difference.

Other simple ways to save money on lighting include installing motion sensors that can turn off lighting when a room is unoccupied or taking advantage of solar garden lights to light up outdoor areas.

4. Switch off lights and other electrical appliances when you’re not using them.

It sounds simple, but switching off your lights and electrical appliances when you’re not using them really does make a difference to your energy usage.

You can also get the kids involved — and contributing to a sustainable energy system — by asking them to always switch off the lights when they aren’t in a room.

Turning items such as gaming consoles off at the wall when they’re not in use is also helpful as these items often use standby power.

5. Make energy saving choices in the kitchen.

If you live with others, it takes a team effort to save money on your electricity bill.


One area that everyone in the household can easily contribute to is making energy saving choices in the kitchen.

Here are a few micro-changes that could help save energy in the kitchen:

  • Use the microwave where possible. Microwaves typically use less energy than electric ovens. In the warmer months, you could even opt to cook on the barbeque, or use an air fryer.

  • Use the economy cycle option on your dishwasher and ensure to only run it once it has been filled up completely. If you have a solar PV system installed at home, you can even use a timer to run your dishwasher in the middle of the day — ideally when the sun is shining, and your solar system is producing energy.

  • Ensure the seal on your fridge is in good condition. Synergy recommends checking this by placing a piece of paper in between the seal and the fridge door and testing whether the piece of paper slides out easily when the fridge door is closed. If the seal is in poor condition, your fridge may be using more electricity and adding to your electricity bill.

  • Turn off small appliances, like the toaster and kettle at the powerpoint when not in use.

6. Align your laundry days with the weather forecast.

Clothes dryers are one of the biggest energy users in the average Australian household.

While it’s not always possible due to cold or rainy conditions, avoiding using the dryer where possible could save you money on your electricity bill. 

If you can, try to align your laundry days with the weather forecast so that you can dry your clothes on a rack outside or on an indoor rack placed near a sunny window.

Make sure to fully load the washing machine, use cold water and a suitable cold water detergent where possible, and set to the shortest wash to save on energy use.

7. Prevent drafts seeping cold air into the home.

In winter, drafts can allow cold air to seep into your home, causing your heating system to work even harder to try to keep the house warm.

If you notice drafts around your exterior doors, a door draft stopper or door snake is an easy solution that can help block chilly air from coming inside. Door draft stoppers are generally available at most hardware stores.

If you have pets, make sure to also check your doggy door or cat flap to ensure it’s properly sealed and not letting in cold air.

Visit Synergy to learn more about your energy use and how you can make simple changes.

Feature Image: TikTok/@hydroottawaholding/@ao

To learn more about your energy use and how you can make simple changes visit synergy.net.au
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