
Inside the complicated and notoriously private family life of Charlie Sheen.

In 2010, Charlie Sheen was at the height of his career.

The actor was the face of one of the most successful sitcoms in television history.

Then in January 2011, it was announced production of Two and a Half Men was on a hiatus while Sheen underwent a rehabilitation treatment program in his home.

In March that year, the show terminated the actor’s contract.

What followed was a very public and bizarre meltdown. During a number of TV interviews, Sheen made odd statements about being a “warlock” with “tiger blood”.

Then the now 52-year-old slowly slipped from the public eye.


Sheen’s private life, however, has always been turbulent.

The actor has been married three times. He has five children and one grandchild.

According to E! News, Sheen shares his first daughter, Cassandra Jade Estevez, with his high school sweetheart, Paula Speert. Cassandra was born when Sheen was just 19 years old.

Little is known about Cassandra, as the 33-year-old and her mother have chosen to stay out of the public eye.

Sheen then began dating Kelly Preston and the couple soon became engaged. In January 1990, Sheen accidentally shot Preston in the arm. She called the engagement off not long after the shooting.

According to E! News, Sheen told the story of the now infamous shooting during his My Violent Torpedo of Truth tour in 2011.

“I was downstairs early in the morning making coffee and I thought she was still asleep upstairs,” he explained. “And I heard a f**king gunshot go off. I thought, ‘She did it, she finally f**king did it. She killed herself and they’re going to f**king blame me.’

“So I abandoned the coffee, because a gunshot in the morning will wake you up better than a nice cup of coffee,” he said.


“I come around the corner and there’s naked Kelly Preston at the top of the stairs, holding her wrist, staring at me, covered in blood… and I thought, that’s pretty f**king hot,” he explained, before quickly adding, “I didn’t. I didn’t.”

Sheen would go on to explain that a gun he kept in his jeans accidentally went off.

“She explained to me when she lifted my pants off the scale in the bathroom… the tiny revolver I used to carry… fell out of the back jeans pocket and hit the floor and shot a bullet right between her legs,” he explained.

“So she got hit with shrapnel from the toilet bowl.”

a gaggle of awe sum!!

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Preston would later marry John Travolta and Sheen would date a number of adult film actresses, before marrying his first wife, Donna Peele, in 1995.

In that same year, Sheen was publicly named as a client of an escort agency run by Heidi Fleiss. While he was on the stand giving evidence against Fleiss, Sheen announced he was marrying Peele.  In 1996, just six months, Peele filed for divorce.

Sheen would then meet Denise Richards. The pair began dating in 2001 after Richards appeared on Spin City.

They later married and had two daughters together – Sam, now 14, and Lola Rose, now 13.

Four years later, Richards filed for divorce.

According to the Daily Beast, in 2006 during an intense custody battle, Richards claimed Sheen threatened to murder her and watched “disturbing porn”.

“I told the Respondent that if the Respondent proceeded with his threats to take me to Court over the children for overnight visitation, that I would have to tell the truth about what he had done. He told me that ‘I Will never get to Court because I will be f**king dead!’ He told me to enjoy my parents ‘while they are still around.’ I took this to mean that he was not only going to do me harm but also do harm to my parents,” Richards explained in the filings.


“In this conversation, I also brought up an old prostitute/porn star who he saw by the name of Chloe Jones. I saw on the news that she had died from undetermined causes. When I asked him if he had anything to do with her death, he said that he had ‘no comment.’ He repeated ‘no comment’ again when I asked him again. This scared me.”

On May 30, 2008, Sheen married his third wife, Brooke Mueller. The couple had twin sons – Bob and Max – together.

As the Daily Beast reports, in 2010 Sheen was arrested for felony second-degree assault and felony menacing against Mueller.

Mueller’s terrified voice can be heard in a recording of the 911 call, fearing for her life and telling the 911 operator her husband was holding a knife against her throat.

coolest, kindest, smartest, Husband, Father, and Son In-Law! xox © #FourThirtyClub

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In 2011, Mueller filed a restraining order against Sheen after he allegedly threatened to “cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom”, as reported by the LA Times.

In November 2011, Sheen filed for divorce.

Since then Sheen has dated several adult film stars. In 2015, the actor publicly announced he was living with HIV. He was diagnosed around four years earlier.

Sheen now keeps a relatively low profile. The father-of-five has regular contact with Sam and Lola Rose, Bob and Max, and even Cassandra, who remains out of the public eye.

It’s rumoured he may soon appear alongside Richards in her new role on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

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