
Still wondering what happened with 60 Minutes in Beirut? Let Charlie Pickering explain.

It’s now been a week since the 60 Minutes crew and Australian mum Sally Faulkner were released from a Beirut cell after a child recovery attempt went horribly wrong.

But with Tara Brown and her Channel Nine colleagues now back on home soil, the failed child recovery operation has led to more questions than there are answers.

On last night’s episode of The Weekly, host Charlie Pickering broke it down. And he didn’t hold back, telling the audience there is still money in journalism, but “it’s just going to child abduction specialists.”

"Moving on now to 60 Minutes," Pickering said as he begun his monologue. "Where getting the scoop is all about the simple questions: Who, what, when, where, why and 'how much for a kidnapping?'"

Pickering addressed everything from Brown's Belle Gibson interview to 60 Minutes Sunday night episode, which showed Faulkner and the crew being reunited with their family in Australia.

He also acknowledged the reports that Ali el-Amine - the father of Faulkner's two young children - was paid $500,000, making him "one of the highest paid personalities at Channel Nine."

The Weekly host then ended the segment with a preview of an interview between Tara Brown and the one journalist Pickering believes could get to the bottom of the incident - Tara Brown.

Watch the full episode of The Weekly on iView here. 

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