reality tv

All the very convincing signs that Charlie Newling is going to win The Bachelorette. 


Excuse us – but it appears a 31-year-old man named Charlie Newling will be crowned the winner of The Bachelorette 2018.

We have evidence along with some theories and if we had any money (which we… don’t) we’d put it on the Sydney builder who, just like Ali Oetjen, enjoys fitness, muscles, but also exercise.


1. Charlie didn’t receive the Wild Rose.

Important, pls.

Mamamia examined the history of the first rose, in previous seasons referred to as the ‘First impression rose’ or the ‘white rose’ and it’s a goddamn omen.

In 2016, Georgia Love gave her white rose to Courtney Dober. Look, he was fine, but was ultimately sent home after a disastrous chat that traumatised not only Georgia but all of us.

Then there was Sophie Monk, in 2017, who gave her rose to Sam ‘I’m looking at Sophie’s cans’ Cochrane. Let’s just say he didn’t… win.

OH, and in 2015, Sam Frost gave her first impression rose to Sasha Mielczarek.

Yes. Good point. He won. BUT, they also broke up so CASE IN POINT.

2. Charlie has been engaged before, just like Ali.

If we’ve learned anything from former seasons of The Bachelorette, it’s that women want a man who is at the same life stage as them.

Charlie, 31, has been engaged in the past, just like Ali, 32, who was engaged to David Waldeck in 2015.



3. The trailers.

As we all know, the winner always features heavily in the trailers throughout the season, and gets some serious screen time when they’re introduced.

After meeting Charlie for the first time, Ali said, “How am I not going to fall in love with this guy?” which is gonna look real nice in the finale just before she declares she most definitely has.

In the promos we’ve seen Charlie and Ali doing a kiss on a paddle board, and having some very intimate alone time together, which means he’s at the very least a real contender.

4. The hints Ali has given…

On The Kyle and Jackie O Show which aired on Wednesday, Ali said she was looking for a partner who “shares a healthy lifestyle with me…”

Allow us to present to you a little thing called Charlie’s Instagram.



Hashtags include ‘pump’ ‘lift’ and ‘gainz’ which is just the best thing we’ve ever seen.

Ali also said she was in search of a man who “has strong family values and is looking to start their own family,” words that pretty much came out of Charlie’s mouth the moment he laid eyes on her.

Listen to the latest episode of Bach Chat, where we discuss the, er, interesting mix of bachelors. Post continues below. 

5. Ali says she wants a ‘gentleman’.

Look. We don’t mean to throw shade, but Nathan and Paddy, both whom appear to believe they signed up for Geordie Shore, don’t really come across as… gentlemen.
A promo shows Charlie breaking up fights, and speaking sense into some of the younger dudes, and it’s clear from the outset that Charlie is being set up as the chivalrous ‘good guy’ who treats women with respect.

One clip shows Charlie saying to a fellow bachelor, “she’s not going to forgive you,” setting him up as the guy who defends Ali in the house.

6. The radio interview Ali did in Perth.

While playing a game on Perth radio with Hit 92.9’s Heidi, Xavier & Ryan on Wednesday morning, Ali made it clear who she knew very, very well.

The game was called ‘Who Am I?’ and the hosts asked questions like who was the man in the house, “with a good sense of humour, driven and has genuine respect for their family and they’re from Western Australia”.

She answered Todd or Daniel. It was meant to be Daniel Hobley.

But the question she answered the most quickly was in regards to Charlie.

“An adrenaline junkie who is a passionate romantic and believes he ticks all the right boxes for marriage who is also a builder.”

You guessed it. Charlie Newling.

We’re watching you Charlie. We’re watching you real close.


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