
How we're justifying our shopping this week.

If you are looking for a gift and want to feel better about the world at the same time, Plan International has a project that aims to empower girls, and it’s easy to get involved.

The charity has teamed up with hundreds of Etsy sellers to make products that reflect the theme of “creating brighter futures for girls around the world”.

The bespoke “make for good” products will help raise fund for Plan International’s “Because I am a girl” campaign – that aims to transform the lives of girls around the world.

From left: A DIY embroidery hook necklace kit from Dandelyne, limited edition art print from Floriosa, make up back from Hollandeve. Images via Etsy.

There are some fantastic producers involved, and you can buy beautiful jewellery, kids clothing, homewares, art and stationary.

One of the featured producers is Sonia Singh - who is well-known for her Tree Change dolls.

The Tasmanian artist reinvents discarded fashion dolls by giving them a new, down-to-Earth style.

Singh's dolls, which were a craft project following a redundancy, went viral last year and sparked a global movement that encouraged others to re-style their toys.

“I want my work to help improve the lives of children born into less fortunate circumstances than myself," says Singh.

Tree Change dolls. Image supplied.

Alongside the dolls, Jemima Morgan, has a line of clothing and accessories called Pure Cute -  that inspire children to "play, to dream and to be wild”.

“With two precious daughters of my own, I want them to live their lives in a world that is fair, loving and empowering. This stands for all girls..." says Morgan.

"Making a pretty dress might not seem to change inequality, but each tiny gesture can contribute to something real and palpable. This can be this difference between young girls across the world being able to change their own lives or not.”


Byron Bay contributor, Rachel McKenzie, in also on board with her hand-made products for babies and children that also enable a "unique sensory experience".

"My item I've decided to donate proceeds to is my 'You are my Sunshine' cushion which has been hand printed in yellow to reflect the 'bright' theme and imagine if all the girls in the world were told this," she says.

McKenzie got involved in the "for the opportunity to do something worthwhile and that will really make a difference".

She hopes to bring the process of creating full cycle.

You are my sunshine pillow by Babee and Me. Image supplied.

This year, proceeds of the campaign will go to an economic empowerment program that aims to provide skills and training to young women in Sri Lanka.

“'Make for Good' is about changing the world for girls and their families, one economic empowerment program at a time. We can’t think of a better cause than that,” said Plan International Australia CEO Ian Wishart.

At least 20 per cent of revenue from sellers along with Etsy's commission will go to the charity.

The collection is now available on Etsy.

Featured image via Etsy: 

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