
True love is worth celebrating and these gorgeous duos have it in spades.

Real love is hard to find but real couples are easy!

We have assembled a crash-course in all the lovers we’re backing to make it to rocking chairs.

If we’ve missed your favourites – I’m sorry. It’s just that I couldn’t find a shot of Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull that really spoke to me, you know?

As British Poet Alfred Tennyson so eloquently said: “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.”

Feel free to just copy/paste that bad boy and send it to bae. You’re welcome.

Source: Instagram.

Sam Frost and Sasha Mielczarek:

Sam and Sash are one of our favourites. They light up our screens and news feeds and give us hope that Richie will find somebody he can truly love (and not ditch one week after filming).

Waleed Aly and his wife Dr Susan Carland at the Logies. Picture Getty.

Waleed Aly and Susan Carland

Remember when all Waleed spoke about in his Gold Logie speech was the love he had for his wife? Swoon.

"It's a privilege to be able to share my life with you so thank you very much."

The couple have two children and two thumbs up from us.

There's always that one moment when you knew they were the one. Post continues...

Source: Instagram.

Sylvia Jeffreys and Peter Stefanovic

Our two favourite journalists revealed their engagement on Monday but our support for them goes way back.

We cannot wait for their well-covered wedding. Let's suggest a few hashtags for our journo brethren. #jeffanovic #sylter #peterjeffreys.

Source: Channel 10.

Snezana Markoski and Sam Wood

This healthy-duo are our loved-up go-to's when we want to convince our partners a split bag of Doritos does not a dinner make.


Who am I kidding? I'd take Nacho Cheese over a green smoothie bowl every time.


We all know that pictures don't tell the whole story but if you're an avid MM reader, you probably know the rest.

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