
Celebrities share mushy, adorable tributes to their mums.


We love our mums. And guess what? So do all your favourite shiny, pretty famous people.

Today, we paused to thank our mums and reflect on how much we love them. On all the beautiful and glorious lessons they have taught us. The way they hug us when we feel the world is on our shoulders.

Turns out, celebrities feel the same way. From Drew Barrymore to Nicole Richie, social media was full of A-grade celebrity overshare today — in the best kind of way (scroll down for gallery).

Beyonce’s mum Tina Knowles Lawson even wrote a lovely open letter to her daughters, Beyoncé and Solange to mark the occasion. In the note, which she penned for Time’s Letters From Mom collection, Tina remarked how “incredible” her girls are.

Yeah, we’d be pretty proud if Beyonce was our daughter, too… (Photo: Facebook/Miss Tina)

She continued: “You are all strong, beautiful, intelligent and smart businesswomen. You are all kind, generous and you treat people well. You are all amazing mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends. All of you have total self-respect.”

Ms Knowles Larson dedicated one section to her oldest child Beyoncé, 33, writing: “Beyoncé, I wish people could see how you are when you’re not in front of the camera or on the stage. How compassionate and kind you are to people, how you look them right in the eye when you speak to them. How hard you work, how generous you are with your time and money…

“Yes, you are a huge star, but you have somehow managed to stay grounded and humble in the wake of all your success.”

Scroll through to see how celebrities shared the love for their mums, this Mother’s Day (post continues after gallery).


Happy Mother’s Day. To every mother. You deserve it.

How did you spend Mother’s Day? Post your photo below…

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Kate Langbroek: “The day I wished I was never a mother.”

“Today, we remember the mothers whose children are not here.”

The truth about Mothers’ Day as a single mum.

‘Sorry kids. All I want for Mothers’ Day is for you to leave me the f#@k alone.’

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