
10 celebrities who should make like Taylor Swift and insure their best bits.

If Taylor can do it, why can’t these celebs?

Taylor Swift made a sweeeeeeet $40 million investment this week: she just insured her up-to-her-armpits legs.

You know, just in case she breaks one and can’t bust out these stellar moves anymore:

Apparently Swift is terribly “embarrassed” that her legs are worth that much. She thought maybe $1 mill? Two? But not 40. #humblebrag

Related: Count them: Taylor Swift invited the whole Hollywood class to her birthday party.

Sure, it’s a smart business move. She’s about to set off on a world tour, and obviously her shows just wouldn’t be the same without her famous leg kicks and skipping routines.

So it got us thinking… who else should be insuring their famous bits?

1. Kanye West and his frown.

What would he be without his sad face? Probably a nicer, more approachable guy. Yeezy, get your sad face insured for $100 mill, at least.

2. Amy Poehler and Tiny Fey’s general hilarity.

Watch the above and just try argue that their banter isn’t worth at least $50 mill?

3. Michael Rowland and his voice.

Swoooooon. We’re still not over this. Get it insured, Rowland. Then sing us to sleep.


4. James Van Der Beek and his crying face.

‘Nuff said.

5. Kim Kardashian and her crying face.

Expensively ugly.

As famous as her bum, it’s time for Kardashian to insure her, er, awkward crying face. A few more injections and she might not be able to look sad anymore – she better act quickly.

6. Jess Hart and her tooth-gap.

Beautiful, expensive gap-tooth. Image via Instagram.

I bet it’s worth a lot more than the braces were to correct MY gap.

7. Beyonce and her dance moves.

If I could dance to Single Ladies like Beyonce, I’d be insuring those moves for billions. BILLIONS.

8. Miley Cyrus and her rogue tongue.

It might not be clean, but I bet it’s expensive.

The illicit substances she’s had on that tongue might drop the price down a fair bit, but she’d probably get enough to keep up her bad habits.

9. Morgan Freeman and his voice.

What if he gets a sore throat? Tonsilitis? Who’s going to be the narrator of every movie ever made if THAT happens?

10. Benji Madden’s Cameron tattoo.

A horrible decision that will hopefully result in some cash for Benj. Image via Instagram.

Because nothing says true love like getting your new wife’s name tattooed on your chest. Madden should insure this terrible decision so he at least gets something out of the marriage when if it ends.

Who else should insure their body parts? 

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