Cats are better than dogs.
I know that may be difficult for some of you to accept, but they just are. I also know that the Internet is a place where broad, sweeping statements often get thrown around as if they were fact, but guess what? This is not one of those occasions. Because, according to me and anyone else who is awesome, never was a truer statement spoken:
Cats are better than dogs. THEY JUST ARE.
We argued about this in the Mamamia office until it became clear that a line in the sand must be drawn. The awesome people would stand with me on the cat side, and the lame people would stand with Kate Leaver on the dog side.
Kate put her pro-dog arguments to me with grace and articulation, but I refused to be swayed. Because – and don’t deny this dog-lovers – but you all base your argument on two frustrating little words:
‘Unconditional Love’.
I’m so sick of hearing that dogs are better than cats because they offer ‘unconditional love’. I grew up with dogs and cats, so I understand what each species has to offer, and let me tell you something:
If given the choice between letting a kid grow up with a dog or a cat, I’d pick a cat every time. Why?
Because having a cat as a child makes you a better adult.
It’s that simple.
What does the unconditional love offered by dogs teach kids about life? That you should do anything and everything you can to make someone love you? That you should be ‘loyal’ someone no matter how you’re treated? That you should figuratively (and maybe even literally but that’s your business) roll over on command?