There is one thing that always always happens after a break up.
It’s inevitable.
No matter the nature of the breakup – whether it’s tissue inducing or I’m-now-actually-Beyonce-and-f**k-you-and-the-entire-male-species-for-the-rest-of-eternity attitude inducing – one thing is always the same…
“Ohhh now you can go out and let loose! You’re not tied to anyone. You can have sex with whomever you please. Go out and go crazy, girl. Make the most of it. This is what you’ve been waiting for.”
Have I? Have I… really?
(More often than not it’s people who are in committed, long-term relationships that are spouting this advice. Funny that.)
The pressure is real. It comes from friends to anyone who is newly-single. They want you to forget the heartbreak and worry and division of possessions in a storm of passions and crazy, you-only-live-once anecdotes.
It also comes from rom coms and pop culture. The single girl is always the ‘rebel’ who is dancing and laughing and independent and having amazing sex with strangers without a name. That’s just what single girls do.
I put pressure on myself to be having it when I was younger (because I thought that’s what I was supposed to be doing) and I didn’t like it that much. But I really liked being able to leave / ask them to leave if I felt like it. Sometimes you just don’t want to spoon. – Mary, 27.
I’ve been single for six years now and my romantic life is nothing like Sex and the City – Amy, 24.