
Steve Price made an X-rated comment to Carrie Bickmore. It massively backfired.


There is nothing more awkward than watching a joke misfire on live TV.

On Monday night’s episode of The Project, Steve Price and Carrie Bickmore were left embarrassed after a joke made things a little bit… uncomfortable.

The panel was discussing news that Apple had purposely made iPhone devices auto-correct a certain F-word in our text messages to say ‘duck’ instead.

After the story, Bickmore joked that the auto-correct usually made her even more annoyed than she was when initially typing swear words.

“The worst part is when you see it says duck and you go, ‘no I wanted it – so you change it to what you wanted and then it says duck again, duck, duck, duck and you’re like, ‘no!'”

Somehow, Price saw this as his cue…

“So if I get a message from you saying lets go ducking next week,” Price asked. “What does that mean?”

Oh god, the cringe.

steve price the project
"I have regrets."

The absolute best response to this was Peter Helliar's "wow".

Literally everyone at that joke.

Bickmore couldn't stop awkwardly laughing, and when the camera did pan back to Price he was red-faced.

"Sorry, I apologise," he said.

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