
Carrie Bickmore defends Rachael Finch after 'vicious outrage' over her parenting style.

The Project host has come to the defence of fellow mum Rachael Finch, in a column about parenting in the age of social media for Stellar Magazine.

Carrie Bickmore wrote that the former Miss Universe Australia and TV personality may as well have “put her hand in a blender” after revealing her daughter spends weekends with her grandma so Rachael and her partner can spend quality time together.

LISTEN: Rachael Finch is not a part-time parent. Post continues… 

“She was, unsurprisingly, pilloried for being, you guessed it, ‘selfish’,” Bickmore wrote, adding that nobody can know how much time Finch spends with her child during the week.

“Perhaps she might spend more time with her daughter during the week than a lot of other mums or wishes to maintain a healthy relationship with her hubby,” she said.

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Carrie – who has two children of her own – said she was at a loss as to why the public is so outraged with other people’s parenting decisions where there is “so much to be outraged about” in the world.

“There is nothing wrong with having an opinion. But do we really need the vitriol?” she asked.

Bickmore added that she’d had her own run-in with how social media has made sharing the experience of parenting different.

“A few months ago on air, I mentioned how my nine-year-old had started walking to school on his own…I thought I was sharing a trivial anecdote about my son’s new-found independence…but I had opened a can of nasty worms.


“People went out of their way to tell me nine is too young for a kid to walk to school, and I was negligent for not calling to check he’d made it safely.”

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Bickmore said sharing experiences is a valuable part of parenting, and that we should encourage mums and dad to “share their lives with us”.

“We want and need to feel part of a community,” she wrote.

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