
Carrie Bickmore's musical New Year's resolution brought the beat back into her life.

Some people pledge to lose weight, others to save money or kick a bad habit. But this New Year, Carrie Bickmore pledged to let music back into her life.

Writing for Stellar, The Project host reflected on the days, pre-children and “boring adult commitments”, when she was the first person to leap onto the dance floor and the last to leave.

“My signature move was the unfairly named ‘tart drop’, but I don’t get it out much anymore,” the mother of two wrote. “My inability to drop down to the floor and get back up again without falling flat on my butt or doing my knee prevents such fun.”

Times may have have changed but her love (or “love, love, love”) for music hasn’t.

“It does something to my body and to my soul,” she wrote. “I get goosebumps, I wanna cry, I wanna sing and, most of all, I wanna dance.”

Driven by this passion, the 36-year-old found other ways to bring the beat back in 2016.


The first was a Beyonce dance class.

Terrified, she strolled into the studio. “I assumed I’d be 20 years too old. But I was delighted to see a bunch of mums in their activewear, two beats behind just like me, laughing and smiling,” she wrote. “It was loads of fun (and a great way to keep fit; I was sweating by the end!).”

Next, came a concert, when one dreary, drizzly Sunday night at 9PM (two hours past bedtime) a friend hauled her along to see 90s Dutch pop group, The Vengaboys.

“Yes, the Vengaboys,” she wrote in Stellar. “Before you judge Brad, he also took me to Sam Smith, Taylor Swift and Vance Joy, and will be there for Guns N’ Roses and grooving alongside me to Justin Bieber. People still groove, yeah? And yes, I may be the world’s oldest Belieber!”

The final step? Integrating music into everyday life, whenever, wherever possible.

“I run to it (I’m into ’80s at the moment), I sing to it out loud in the car (RnB Fridays are my jam) and I dance around the kitchen with the family at every opportunity. I even have little dance parties with my nieces (vision of which will remain private!),” she wrote.

“I’ve never been good at mindfulness, but I think music might just be my decompressor,” Bickmore concluded. “It makes me happy.”

Dance on, Carrie.

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