
Carrie Bickmore's handbag weighs more than a "human being".

Wallet. Phone. Keys. Lipgloss. They’re four items many of us will always have in our handbags.

The Project host Carrie Bickmore has gone one step further sharing in her column for The Sunday Telegraph‘s Stellar magazine, that her handbag essentials include 26 items. Yes, 26.

Oh, and said bag weighs a gargantuan 12.6 kilograms (yes, she checked it), which is basically like carrying around “an actual human being” half the time.

The 35-year-old revealed that the weigh-in occurred after she tipped the contents she totes around daily onto the kitchen bench.


“Phone, wallet, keys, laptop, makeup bag, mismatched Tupperware containers, a portable phone charger, the charger for the portable phone charger, one of [daughter] Evie’s shoes, a toy plane with one wing, a notepad, textas, a brush, the front of one earring, the back of another, enough coins to feed every parking meter in town,” she wrote.

“Mints, a tube of hand cream, the loose lid of the tube of hand cream, some knickers, one sock, crushed Tiny Teddies and squished sultanas, the kids’ book Where Is The Green Sheep?, an empty kids’ water bottle and a wet passport.” (Post continues after gallery.)

The combined weight of the items were said to be more than her youngest child Evie, 19 months, who Bickmore often carries around in her spare arm.

Hello incidental exercise goals.

The presenter assured readers she understood the weight could be culled to a more respectable amount if she lost the non-essentials.

“Between you and I, the necessities only weighed about 3.3kg. The other nine or so kilos were simply excess baggage,” she wrote.

The option of using a smaller bag to eliminate the temptation of carrying such “excess baggage” was already crossed out by past problems.

“I tried using a small handbag for a while, but then my arms were always overloaded with stuff, and I ended up spilling coffees, smashing phone screens and dropping my keys down a lift well,” she wrote.


The solution? Bickmore reckons a backpack might be the way to go.

“I saw a girl bouncing down the street with a little backpack the other day and thought, how cute does that look?”

When she isn’t asking the hard questions on The Project, the presenter champions a variety of good causes such as Carrie’s Beanies for Brain Cancer.

Or you can listen to her talk about her work in an intimate chat with Mia Freedman.

Feature image via Instagram.

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