
Carrie Bickmore pens emotional parenting confession.


Carrie Bickmore has described the one reason why she’s changed parenting styles after realising she has “been doing this parenting thing all wrong”.

In a column that appeared across News Corp’s mastheads, Carrie detailed the way she has changed tactics since having her second child, Evie.

The Project host detailed how Ollie had a strict sleeping schedule as a baby, but this wasn’t possible with Evie, who is “feisty and determined”.

Carrie talks about her son Ollie and the paparazzi. (Post continues after video.) 

She shared that she recently “broke the rules” with Ollie and woke him up to bring him into bed with her, not because he needed it, but because she wanted to.

“I seriously question my parenting on a daily basis and, nine times out of 10, Evie wins,” she wrote. “But as I lay in bed with Ollie snuggled under my arm, I realised I’ve been doing this parenting thing all wrong.

“I wish I had broken the rules more with Ollie – hopefully there is still time.”

Carrie said now she thought about how she wouldn’t spend hours “reminiscing about how many hours a night they slept”.

“Instead, I’d recall the time I drove Ollie around for two hours on a Sunday just to chase Pokémon.”

“Or how, the other week, I sat on the floor and let Evie draw all over me – face and all – for an hour, much to her squealy delight.”

Carrie said she has resolved to allow more spontaneity into her life. Her busy, busy life.

Carrie Bickmore on Instagram.

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