
Carrie Bickmore was birthday cake shamed by her own son, and Mia Freedman is stoked.

Welcome to the Cake Shaming Club, Carrie Bickmore. Thanks for coming. Make yourself at home.

When I wrote about my cake shaming experience a couple of weeks ago, I thought I was alone. So alone. I had never heard of anyone else being shamed for the birthday cake they provided for their kids’ birthday.

Thank God I now have a friend in the form of my real-life friend Carrie, who has joined me in the birthday cake hall of shame.

Unlike my transgression against cakes (you can read about it here or on any of the sites around the world on which my shame has been shared after going viral), which included providing a birthday cake that "wasn't home-made" "cost too much" "encouraged violence" "brought out the worst in children" and made one woman insist she "would never have children after seeing that horrendous display of greed", Carrie committed a more specific crime.

Perhaps you can guess what she did SO VERY WRONG.

First, here is the cake:

Looks pretty amazing to me. Is Qantas spelled correctly? Tick. It's perfect!

She must have ordered it from one of those fancy places. Tsk tsk.

BUT NO. Carrie baked this plane cake from scratch. I don't recall seeing that particular cake in any birthday cake cookbook so she must have freestyled. Now that's just showing off, girlfriend.



Wrong. Because not everyone was impressed with the cake. Or, more specifically, these faults were noted: there was a crack in the middle and the wings and tail were not edible. Tough crowd.

The best part is that the critic was her own beloved nine-year-old son, Ollie:

Ah, motherhood!

I'm impressed that Ollie only deducted one point for all those flaws. My kids are far tougher markers, although I like to keep the bar far lower than Carrie so that when I complete the most basic parenting task — like, say, dropping them at school before the bell goes or getting them to Saturday sport before the game starts or sending them off to a birthday party with a present or having accessible snacks and a drink in the car (because how could anyone be expected to travel in an air-conditioned vehicle for more than 100m without sustenance) — they give me a round of applause.

3, 2, 1........#runnewcastle @runaustralia

A photo posted by Carrie Bickmore (@bickmorecarrie) on

Clearly, Carrie has created a massive problem for Future Carrie: how is she going to top this year's cake?

Edible wings, clearly.

Featured image: Instagram

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