
Carrie Bickmore has an interesting way of getting newborn Evie to sleep.

We’re sure you won’t find it suggested in any baby book.

When you’re a parent who has just welcomed a newborn, sleep can be a rarity that’s hard to come by. So if you value the time spent starring at the inside of your eyelids (umm, who doesn’t?) you’ll do almost anything to get some extra hours of shut eye.

Cue new mum Carrie Bickmore, 34, who recently welcomed her second child, Evie. Bickmore took to Instagram to share a picture demonstrating how she gets her daughter to sleep. And if you’ve ever had a newborn, you’ll almost certainly be able to relate.

Bickmore has found herself doing happy laps in the car with Evie in the backseat, in an attempt to get her off to sleep.

She shared the below image, captioning the shot with, “Still catches me by surprise when I turn around and see I have company in the car!! Glad she likes driving around as much as I do. I know I am getting into bad habits driving her to sleep but it means I have a coffee in peace :)”

Evie in the back seat of her mum's car.

And for once, the mummy mafia were kept at bay, with a huge number of The Project host's followers supporting her in her parenting choice.

Only one commenter thought Bickmore's attempt to get her daughter to sleep wasn't a good idea, writing, "It's not a good habit to get into. My parents used to do it and I sleep in the car now and get so tired when I driving and have fallen asleep at the wheel twice. Sleep specialist says it's from my mum driving around when I was a baby."

applauded Bickmore

It's refreshing to see mums supporting mums, exactly how it should be. Keep doing your thing Carrie - your followers (and us too) are loving it.

How did you get your newborn to sleep?

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for more pictures of Carrie and her family...

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Carrie Bickmore has welcomed her second baby.

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