Ask any mother, and she will tell you that nothing can prepare you for the birth of a child. There is simply nothing that compares: no amount of reading books or checking off to-do lists can really make you feel "ready" to hold a new life in your arms and be told that it is yours, now, to look after forever.
Of course, that doesn’t stop us from trying. So much of parenting is out of our control, but most mothers - at least those without prior experiences with prematurity - take a 40-week pregnancy as a given. From that first pregnancy test, nine months seems long, but it’s incredible how quickly it fills with plans: for scans and milestones, baby showers and baby moons, nursery decorating and meal-prepping. 40 weeks is an eternity. 40 weeks is a countdown. 40 weeks is a watermelon (if you’ve downloaded a fruit size comparison app, and we all know you have).
40 weeks is a goal, a deadline, a due date.
And in Australia, 1 in every 10 babies doesn’t make it that far.