
Carey Mulligan is not going to tell anyone she had a baby.

Congratulations! We hear you were maybe pregnant and maybe had a baby!

Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford are parents.

She never actually publicly acknowledged that she was with child, but the large round protrusion in the belly region that Mulligan sported on the red carpet earlier this year indicated that something was afoot.

A source told US Weekly at the time: “They weren’t planning on announcing, but she hasn’t stopped working. Everybody around her is being very supportive.”

Another more recent appearance on the red carpet, for her new film with Meryl Streep,  Suffragette, suggested that perhaps the child had made its way into the world.

Carey Mulligan at the Suffragette premiere last night. Image via Getty.

Sure, there were huge protests at the event, with women lying down on the red carpet and refusing to move.

They were wearing signs that said, “Dead women don’t vote.”

The protest was staged by a group called Sisters Uncut to condemn cuts made to the budget for domestic violence services to women in the UK.

“With two women killed a week in the UK due to domestic violence cuts, there’s no way we can stop fighting,” Emma Fisher, a 27-year-old teacher, told the ABC.

Protesters on the red carpet. Image via Getty.


But really, all the assembled press wanted to know about was the maybe baby.

And this is all just speculation of course; perhaps Mulligan was wearing one of those pregnancy suits for an upcoming role because she’s a method actor. Perhaps it was a stomach-swelling wheat intolerance. Maybe she had nowhere else to keep her watermelon.

New parents Marcus Mumford and Carey Mulligan.

“Carey has given birth to a healthy and happy baby,” the source told E! News. “She is just enjoying this time with her family and close friends.”

The birth apparently took place in September.

Mulligan and the baby’s father, Marcus Mumford, 28, married in 2012. They were childhood pen pals. ADORABLE.

Now seriously, tell us, was it a boy?

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