I just interviewed a submariner. Someone who works on a submarine. I know, wow.
And I’ll be the first to say it. Way too many of my questions revolved around food, and too few addressed the burning question of how she manages to maintain a relationship whilst being away at sea for years.
Meet Olivia Brown. She is a submariner who is smart, devoted to her career and incredibly forgiving of all the stupid questions I sent her way, like when I asked her whether there is wifi under the ocean (the answer is interesting, but I felt like a goose…).
Submariners are part of the Navy within the Australian Defence Force. Being a submariner is a serious job filled with incredible pressures and responsibilities. It takes a certain type to become a successful submariner. Olivia definitely fits the bill. You’ll see what I mean.
Q: Submariners have been described as “extroverted introverts”. Would you describe yourself like that?
A: That is a difficult one. It definitely takes all types to be a submariner – I personally think I am more of an extrovert – so long as it’s not a tough crowd.
Q: What kinds of people make good submariners?
A: People who have personality and work well in a team. We are all working toward a common goal, and making sure everyone is on the same page and doing the best they can is very important.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this is an advertorial for Tech Trades Submariner.
You need to make people feel like they are a part of something awesome and helping everyone contribute is a good start. So the best submariners I have known have really good communication skills, are professional, helpful and have a bit of personality about them.
Q: What is the food like on a submarine?
A: I am a foodie and I love to cook so when it comes to food at sea I am a pretty harsh critic.