
Cricket wag Candice Warner takes aim at 'fake' Instagram mums.


Champion ironwoman, model and cricket wag Candice Warner isn’t the type to bullshit about the trials of motherhood.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph on the weekend, Candice had no qualms admitting she’s not a “perfect” mum. While other high-profile mothers opt to post picture perfect images of their lives as parents, this wife and mum-of-two is determined to keep it real.

And part of keeping it real means not rushing herself back into a skimpy bikini.

My girls are my world. Family always comes first. @davidwarner31 ????????‍????‍????‍????❤️

A photo posted by Mrs Candice Warner (@candywarner1) on Apr 30, 2016 at 5:29pm PDT


“Flicking through Instagram, you are seeing women who have just had babies and have their abs back, or are back in their size-six bikini within weeks,” Warner told the publication.   

“That’s not me. A few weeks post-birth, I am the one still in the size-14 pants with a muffin-top.”

It’s the “unrealistic” and “fake” images on social media that rile Candice up most. She says photos of mothers “calmly sipping cappuccinos” with immaculately dressed toddlers is anything but normal. Her daily attire? Gym gear. Always.

 According to the mum of Ivy Mae, 19 months, and Indi Rae, three months, motherhood is very rarely glamorous.


Sunday arvos hanging out with my little Indi. Wish you were here daddy @davidwarner31. ???????? A photo posted by Mrs Candice Warner (@candywarner1) on Apr 9, 2016 at 11:17pm PDT

“You have days where your kids aren’t great and sometimes you want to lock yourself in the kitchen cupboard,” Candice said.

 “But most of the time the girls are really great and I really love being a mum.”

As for the future, Candice and hubby Dave are hoping to grow their family even more, ideally, adding a little boy to the mix.

 “I would love to have a boy for David.”

“He always says he is happy with the girls, they are daddy’s girls, (but) it would be wonderful to have a little boy he could teach cricket to … he needs a little buddy.”  


Do you think ‘Instagram mums’ promote an unrealistic ideal?

You know who’s always keeping it real? Those Two Girls…

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