
A bride-to-be has disinvited her guests after they gave her gifts not cash at her engagement.


Giving cash as a gift is the norm in many cultures. So, when a bride-to-be in America recently asked her engagement party guests for cash gifts, it wasn’t really remarkable.

What was, however, was the way the woman responded when she didn’t get what she wanted – when her friends and family dared to give her presents instead of money.

In a post shared on Reddit, called “Nobody gave us cash as a gift”, the woman explained she was very disappointed in what transpired at the party thrown to celebrate the love between her and her partner. Oops, I mean, her ‘get out of debt’ party.

And yes, she went full Bridezilla.

“I specified on the invitation that we were requesting cash only in lieu of gifts. We have a mountain of debt and would like to start our marriage with a fresh slate and figured this would be a great opportunity to do so,” she wrote.

“Well, the party was last night and not one person brought us cash.”

Clearly misunderstanding the point of an engagement party, the woman said that after her disappointing evening, she sent out a “mass text basically asking guests I was close with where the miscommunication happened in our gift requests”.

Not surprisingly, the woman “didn’t get many responses, but the responses [she] did get were pretty rude” – which made her decide to dis-invite those who had been especially rude.

The experience, however, did nothing to help the bride-to-be to, ahem, grow as a person.


“[At the wedding] we will be requesting cash as well and I have already sent out an email reiterating that cash is expected and not gifts and any gifts will be returned for cash or sold on eBay.”

The post on Reddit. Source: Reddit

As one can imagine, Reddit users did not take too kindly to the woman's ungrateful attitude and ridiculous expectations. One person was compelled to point out that presents are entirely discretionary.


"I was always under the impression that a gift is highly suggested but not mandatory. No one is obligated really to give you anything."

Another wrote, "If someone texted me demanding to know why I hadn’t given them money, I’d assume that they didn’t actually want me as a guest, just my wallet. And I’d entirely skip the wedding or any future events."

One person warned, "I hope she and the groom are happy together because they won't have any friends of family at this rate."

Whilst some acknowledged it was acceptable to request a 'wishing well' in a civilised manner, most commenters were appalled at the woman's money management.

"Don’t plan a wedding if you’re in debt. Go to the JP, it’ll cost you like $200 and you’ll be married," one suggested.

Another added, "How about instead of paying for a whole wedding you pay off your debt instead?

"If you want to start your marriage with a fresh financial slate I suggest visiting a financial advisor, and postponing your wedding until you both feel comfortable with where you are at. It is not the responsibility of your friends and family to bail you out with their “gifts” so you can have a wedding."

But our favourite advice was this user's: "Be an adult and pay off your own debt. Nobody owes you anything. Grow up."


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