
Cameron Diaz is magic. She just made us excited about ageing.

Cameron Diaz is beautiful. She’s always been beautiful and time is certainly leading us to believe she always will be. The actress just released her second lifestyle/health book, The Longevity Book, which is all about aging and her routine for staying healthy. In an interview with The Cut, Diaz reminds us why the world loves her and offers a glimpse into her life.

So, if you want to live (and look) like Cameron D…and Destiny (sorry, couldn’t help myself,) these are the Dos and Don’ts:

Do start your day with energy

“For me that starts with getting up, brushing my teeth, and drinking some water — I drink a liter of water straight down — I meditate, I work out, have breakfast, and I get my day started,” says Diaz. All of that seems doable. You’ll have to get up earlier, but doable.


Don’t take wellness for granted

Diaz says that we think of wellness as something most of us are born with, but it’s important to realise that getting older doesn’t mean you have to lose that. “I look at wellbeing as a responsibility that I have to myself that nobody else can do for me,” she told The Cut. “I have to embrace and engage in it actively on my own. It’s my responsibility.

“That’s why writing this book was so important to me, because it was information I didn’t know before, and in knowing it, I am more empowered. If people don’t have this type of knowledge, how are they going to be empowered to live a happy, healthy, strong life?”

Do follow the five pillars of wellbeing

Diaz says, “There are five pillars of wellbeing, with nutrition, physical activity, good sleep, stress release, and loving, connected relationships.” She explains that those five pillars, along with genetics, environment and our choices impact the way our cells change, which in turn affects how we age.

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Don’t rely on supplements

For Diaz, nutrition is “pretty much the ultimate.” She says it the biggest element of wellbeing that’s your own choice. But, she says, “It’s important to get nutrition by not relying on supplements, but from whole food — foods that haven’t been processed or preserved with chemicals.”

Do embrace your age

Diaz says she has no problem with ageing. “Knowing that only 150 years ago, life expectancy was 40 and now it’s 82 for women is something to be celebrated,” she explains. “We’re living longer than we’ve ever lived on this planet as humans, and there’s a huge responsibility with that.” She says we have an economic and environmental responsibility to keep things going. “It’s a lot,” she admits.


Don’t beat yourself up

“Ageing really is your responsibility,” says Diaz. “You need to understand and know what ‘good’ means, if you’re attempting to do a good job at it. You need to know what good nutrition is, what good physical activity is, what good sleep is, what it means to connect to people, what it means to release stress, what is the optimum for you, and what you can accomplish.” That being said, she says that it’s important not to beat yourself up. “Do the best that you can on a day-to-day basis.”

Do get more sleep

“I would like to get more sleep, but I think that’s for everybody. I just want to sleep more,” says Diaz.

And she’s right, everybody wants more sleep. And everyone wants to age like Cameron Diaz.

This post originally appeared on Flo & Frank. It’s a happy place for smart women, come say hello.

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