
Caitlyn Jenner says a relationship with a man would make her a "normal" woman.

Caitlyn Jenner says only a man can make her feel like a woman.

Caitlyn Jenner, 65, has previously said her gender identity has nothing to do with her sexuality, and that she’s still attracted to women.

However, in a teaser clip from the episode of I Am Cait that airs this Sunday, she appears to say that being with a man would make her feel like a real woman.

Jenner made the comments to her friend Jenny Boylan, a professor of English at Columbia University and national co-chair of GLAAD.

Jenner wants to feel like a “normal woman”.

“It would be very attractive to me to have a guy treat me like a woman,” Jenner says.

“What…does…that…mean?” a puzzled Boylan, who is also transgender, asks Jenner. We second that with a “Huh?”

“That you would be treated like a normal woman,” comes the response.

“What do you mean, a normal woman?” asks Boylan, bristling.

Watch the clip here… Post continues after video.

Video via E!

Jenner explains: “Like any other woman on the street and not make it this big trans thing, or this or that. Just a normal relationship.”

Boylan seems perturbed by this idea and explains to Jenner that having a man doesn’t make a woman a woman.

“You know what Caitlyn Jenner? You are a normal woman. Right now. Today.

“You don’t need a man to make you a woman. A woman can make you a woman. It’s a thing that women do. We look to men to give us self-worth.”

Say what? Jenny Boylan bristles at Jenner’s suggestion that she must find a man to feel like a “normal” woman.

Since her transition, Jenner has been taken under the collective wing of other prominent trans women, such as Boylan, Candis Cayne and Chandi Moore.


They’ve been valiantly trying to educate her that there is a lot more to being a woman than looking pretty and wearing make-up.

“Now that you’re in the sisterhood; you have gone to such trouble to become a woman, don’t be a stupid one. Be a smart one.”

YES, Jenny!’

Click through our gallery of Caitlyn Jenner…

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