real life

Men have shared the worst things about being a man, and their responses are fascinating.


We’re living in a moment that will be recognised in history as one in which women started finally being listened to.

The empowered and the powerful are speaking out about the struggles many women have endured silently for years. Sexual harassment and assault. Pay inequality. Infertility and pregnancy loss. The mental load. The bullshit objective that is work/life balance.

So in this spirit of openness and equality, columnist, author and feminist champion Caitlin Moran recently offered the men of Twitter the chance to share the “downsides” they experience courtesy of their gender. The answers ranged from minor quibbles like ear hair and not having an equivalent to sexy nightwear, to the pain that comes with repressing emotions.

By far the most common theme among the more than 6800 responses centred around men’s struggles to remain within the confines of the masculine ideal.






For others, the drawbacks are more physical/anatomical.


And for some, a bit of both.


Many felt uncomfortable that they make women feel uncomfortable.


But another running theme was isolation. Not having anyone to talk to, the expectation that they swallow their feelings, drink a cup of concrete and harden up.






Very few problems have ever been solved on Twitter, but my goodness this is one hell of a start.

For more from the brilliant Caitlin Moran, listen to her chat with Mamamia’s No Filter podcast.

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