It was a headline too good to ignore. A lure, I couldn’t go past.
“The major caesarean problem nobody talks about!’ whispered the article on my Facebook feed.
What? What problem? There’s a major problem nobody talks about?
I had to click.
I had to click which is err, RIDICULOUS. I say ridiculous because – are you ready for this? – I’ve had four.
Yep. Four. Four caesareans. Four sunroofs. Four times I’ve had a baby airlifted out. When I’m not writing or trying to scrape dried weetbix off the wall, or Googling “Is Roger Corser married?”, I like to spend my time in an unflattering hospital gown having major stomach surgery. That’s how I roll.
So I clicked to see what major problem I’d unwittingly endured four times. What I found – yet again – was an article on caesarean sections that was filled with misinformation and designed to scare the beejebus out of any pregnant woman.
Have a caesarean and you won’t be able to drive for six weeks, it said.
You’ll have trouble bonding with your baby, it said.
You can’t pick up your baby for weeks, it said.
You won’t be able to breastfeed, it said.
You’ll be forced to have caesareans forever more, it said.