real life

Are these online dating's worst men? Yes. Yes they are.




If you are a woman who has tried online dating, then you know that the following is inevitable:

Man makes a move on you. You are not interested, so you decline or ignore his advances. This rejection makes man irrationally angry. Man lashes out at you with unwarranted level of abuse.

For example:

“Hey baby, you’re sexy. Wanna meet?”

“Thanks anyway, but I’m not really interested :)”



It’s the type of thing most women receive from the odd online-dating knobcloud, and there hasn’t really been much one could do except sigh and delete.

Enter ‘Bye Felipe’.

Bye Felipe is an awesome Instagram account that posts the bizarre, overly aggressive responses that women often receive after rejecting men online.

Started by Los Angeles woman Alexandra Tweten, women just need to screenshot the offending message and send it in, after which Tweten will pout it on the Instagram. Here’s a lovely example:





Yeah. Wow.

Tweten told the Huffington Post that she started the Instagram when she realised women were receiving these kinds of messages a lot more often than most people think.

“It’s a standard reaction that I’ve now seen over and over again with the submissions,” Tweten told Huff Po. “Guy hits on girl, girl doesn’t respond, guy lashes out with insulting message. It really shows the entitlement these guys feel, and I think it shows our cultural misogyny problem.”

(By the way, for those not in the know, the term ‘Bye Felipe’ is slang that all the kids are using these days. It’s apparently a catch-all term for a guy you don’t care about being rude to you. So if a guy says “You’re ugly and I don’t like you” you can just say “Whatever. Bye Felipe!” So there you go.)

The Bye Felipe Instagram is equal parts fascinating/depressing to look through. Here are some of the particularly good ones:








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