I moved house recently (as in, last-weekend-recently) so believe me, I understand the pain and suffering that’s involved.
I have two little ones already, and am pregnant with my third, so it was well and truly time to upgrade into something a bit bigger to suit our growing family. And while all that is behind me now, I think I’ll remember how hectic and exciting the past few months have been forever.
In the beginning, you are so swept up in the excitement of moving to your brand new home that you gloss over the realities of actually moving.
But that excitement lasts up until…you pack your first cardboard box. And then you are done. Out. Finished.
Only, you’re nowhere NEAR finished – you have an entire home and life to pack up and move, often while wrangling grumpy, overwhelmed kids.
Yep, there are certain emotional stages every person goes though when it comes to making the big move:
1. The nervous excitement that comes with deciding to move.
Step number one is actually making the decision to move – and it’s filled with uncertainty, nerves and butterflies. You’re settled, you’re comfortable and you know your location.
Then you decide to throw everything up in the air and venture outside your comfort zone. It’s exciting, but nerve-wracking at the same time.
2. The stress that comes with the saving process.
Yes, saving for a deposit is a challenge. So is applying for a home loan and getting your finances in order. Add to that list moving costs and new furniture and you can see why this part of the moving process can cause people to freak out a little.