
"I put butter in my coffee and drank it - here's what happened"

This weekend I drank a hot cup of coffee with a stick of butter in it. When I told people about this, I got a lot of questions. Questions like these…

Why on earth would you do that?

The short answer to this question is ‘because I’m a trend whore’. I saw a few stories about how hip it was, read Wellness Mama’s recipe and decided to give it a crack.

Why anyone would drink coffee with butter in it is a different question. Basically it’s because fat is back, and the hit of butter in a coffee is meant to improve brain function (brains are mostly made of fat), keep cravings at bay, and help you feel fuller, longer. Butter, or coconut oil, which is also delicious in coffee also changes the drink’s flavour profile, so there’s no need to sweeten it. Basically you’re inviting the old devil (fat) in, to kick the new devil (sugar) out.

As for it’s efficacy? I tried this on a Sunday. I didn’t need my brain to function, but anecdotally, I did stay full for quite a long time.

What kind of coffee did you put it in?

Black coffee brewed in a French Press.

What did it taste like?

It tasted delicious, thanks for asking. The oiliness of the butter opens out the flavour of the coffee beans, making the taste richer and deeper. It’s a little bit velvety, a little bit chocolatey and a little bit savoury. I used unsalted butter, of course, and as Wellness Mama suggested, I also used coconut oil.

But wasn’t there a gross slick of oil on top of the coffee?

No there wasn’t. There were a few buttery beads floating on the surface of the coffee, but it certainly wasn’t a Deep Water Horizon in my cup situation.

How much butter did you use?

Not too much – just a teaspoon.

Did you make that yourself?

Yes I did. But there’s at least one cafe that has started offering butter or coconut oil in coffee

Is this a paleo thing?

Kind of, but not really. The trend was certainly sparked by nutritionists’ renewed passion for good fats, but the fact that butter is a dairy product doesn’t make this super paleo friendly. If you just use coconut oil then yes, yes it is.

Is this legit?

Rosemary Stanton says no, but it is delicious.

Would you ever try putting butter in your coffee?

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