
BUMPER FLUFF: How dare anyone do this to Jennifer Lawrence.

Jennifer Lawrence reacts the way we all want to when someone spoils her fave TV show

Jennifer Lawrence is at it again: Being unbelievably awesome on the red carpet. This time, she was standing next to Damian Lewis, the extremely attractive redhead who plays Brody on Homeland.

Then – BOOM – without warning, a reporter totally spoils the ending of Homeland season three for JLaw.

Yes, sadly, the Access Hollywood reporter committed one of the deadly sins of pop culture: she spoke about the horrifying twist in a TV show without yelling a SPOILER ALERT warning first.

Obviously, everyone’s favourite actress, Jen freaked out:

Let’s see that moment again. And again.

Justin Bieber arrested.

Yes, Justin Bieber has really done it this time. The 19-year-old Canadian pop star/ rebel has been arrested in Miami for drag-racing a yellow Lamborghini under the influence of marijuana, alcohol and his mother’s prescription pills.

Allegedly, he launched into a sweary rant when the police pulled him over. “What the fuck are you doing? Why are you stopping me?” he yelled. We can’t be sure, but we reckon there might have been a few “Do you know who I am?” thrown in there too.

He was dragged into the Miami Beach police station for resisting arrest.

And he’s just taken the happiest celebrity mugshot we’ve ever seen:

 The Biebs has posted his $2800 bail and been released. The first thing he did upon leaving the police station is jump on his huge shiny black car and scream to his fans.


Because he just doesn’t care for his dignity anymore.

Compare that mug shot with all these other celebs:

Oh, and this dramatic reenactment of the arrest made us really, really happy:

Megan Gale

Megan Gale: “You realise how responsible you are for the life inside of you, and to have that threatened is terrifying.”

Expectant baby mama Megan Gale has opened up about being in a bad car accident last week – and how she feared for her baby.

Speaking to Who magazine, the 38-year-old model, who is currently five months pregnant with her first child, told how she went straight to hospital after a car smashed into the back of hers in Melbourne. “It was a horrible experience, and the first time I really felt scared and protective of the baby,” she said.

“I was so rattled. You realise how responsible you are for the life inside of you, and to have that threatened is terrifying.”

Megan was joined at the hospital by her boyfriend, 25-year-old AFL player Shaun Hampson, who she says is so ready for fatherhood. “Shaun saw himself as being a young dad, rather than waiting in his 30s.”

We’re glad to hear that mum and bub are OK. And can’t wait to meet the bubba, who will be seriously genetically blessed.

Prince Harry’s girlfriend Cressida Bonas, 24, has had some truly sad news.

Shaw had been suffering a long-term illness, and reported suggest he may have died from an overdose of his own medication. An autopsy and toxicity report should give us more answers.


Mr Shaw, a former banker/entrepreneur, married Cressida’s mother, Lady Mary Gaye Curzon in 1996 when Cressida was 7. They separated in 2000.

We’re sure Prince Harry will be by her side, sweet-natured royal that he is. We’re thinking of them both.

If you or a loved one need to talk to someone, please consider calling Lifeline on 13 11 14, or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

Michelle Obama can slam dunk like a BOSS.

The First Lady of the United States is a super-fit woman, we know that much already. But did you know she’s a mad basketball player?

As part of her Let’s Move campaign to get Americans exercising (a noble cause), FLOTUS invited some pro basketballers to the White House. But forget them – Michelle Obama is the player you need to watch:

And in case you missed it, here’s her Victory Face in close-up.

Lorde’s baby sister can sing too

New-Zealand born, 17-year-old megastar Lorde (whose real name is Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O’Connor) has a little sister. And she has inherited some superb vocal chords, too.

15-year-old India Yelich-O’Connor (pictured there to your left) has released some sweet tunes on SoundCloud.

Her first song is called Say Something. Have a listen…

Robin Thicke in Blurred Lines.

Robin Thicke makes out with someone who is definitely not his wife

Well this is no surprise at all.

Blurred Lines singer Robin Thicke has been sprung nuzzling up to a woman in Paris who is not his lovely wife, actress Paula Patton.


This is the man who sings “But you’re an animal, baby, it’s in your nature. Just let me liberate you. Hey, hey, hey” while gyrating with naked women. Frankly, we almost expected it.

What’s that saying? “Those who put rapey lyrics in their pop songs… Behave like total assholes in real life”?

How I Met Your Mother is set to end soon. So… who is the mother?

The finale of How I Met Your Mother was filmed when??

The producers of How I Met Your Mother are very, very sneaky. They concealed the identity of the mother for eight seasons (SPOILER: It was revealed recently).

And now we hear that the most important scene of the whole show – in which Ted’s kids finally found out How Their Dad Met Their Muma – was filmed eight years ago. Eight. Years. Ago. As in, right at the beginning of filming.

Remember Ted’s kids, who stare at the television rolling their eyes as he tells them how he met their mother? One day, producers grabbed the actors – David Henrie and Lyndsy Fonseca – for a top-secret filming. They locked them in a room with a single camera man, had them sign a non-disclosure form, and filmed the climactic scene for the finale episode of season nine.

Apparently Lyndsy Fonesca was so scared she’d tell someone about the ending, she’s blocked it from her mind completely and can’t remember a thing.

In other How I Met Your Mother news, there’s a spin-off series in the works, without any of the original cast members. It stars a female narrator telling her kids how she met their dad… Surely it’ll be called How I Met Your Father.

Did we just pay $10K for Nicole Kidman to visit a film festival?


Well, this is awkward. Nicole Kidman just flew to a Toronto film festival to promote her new movie Railway Man.

And, ah, the Australian taxpayers are footing the bill.

She’s the fourth richest woman in Australia, but relied on the $10,000 travel grant from Screen Australia, which is a government-funded organisation.

A spokesman for Kidman says Nicole never applied for the grant, but the film’s producers did so on her behalf.

The film, which was partly filmed in Queensland, already received $2 million in support from Screen Australia.

Margot Robbie talks about sex with Leo di Caprio

The ex-Neighbours star has opened up about the ah, logistics, of her sex scenes with Leonardo di Caprio in The Wolf of Wall Street. 

“I was actually completely clothed – underwear, bra, skirt, top, everything on. He had his shirt on and his pants pulled down a bit, and they have modesty patches, so from memory he was wearing one of them too,” she said.

“It’s flesh-coloured material that covers the specific area and sticks around the edges with a bit of adhesive. I’m not sure if he would care [about modesty] – it’s more about making sure I was comfortable. He was always very respectful about making sure I was comfortable. At that stage of filming, we’d worked together for so long, we didn’t feel awkward about anything.”

We’re so glad she explained.

If you’re a little bit obsessed with Margot like we are, check out her best-ever looks:

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