
BUMPER FLUFF: Hugh Jackman says: "I'm not gay", and Jessica Simpson nearly names her kid 'Ketut'

It’s been a big week in in the magical, marvellous, not exactly mentally-punishing Land of Fluff. Read on to come up to speed with our fluffiest stuff of the week:

1. Hugh Jackman says: I’m not gay.

Hugh Jackman, 44, has been married to Deborra-Lee Furness, 57, for 17 years. Despite this – and the fact that they seem blissfully happy together – rumours that Jackman is gay have been rife since he starred as Peter Allen in Broadway hit The Boy from Oz a decade ago.

In an interview on 60 Minutes this week, the couple discussed the rumours, and Deborra-Lee had a very clear message: “Oh, please.”

Asked whether the rumours ever upset him, Jackman responded, “If I was, I would be. I don’t think – it’s to me not the most interesting thing about a person anyway, but ah – I do get frustrated for Deb, ‘cause I see Deb go ‘Ah, this is crazy’.”

Furness agreed, saying, “It is just wrong, it’s like, it’s a lie. It’s just – the bottom line, so it’s just offensive. If he was gay, fine, he would say he’s gay. It has gotten so out of whack that they – it’s stupid, yeah, it’s annoying, because it’s not true.”

The rumours ostensibly started after Jackman played a gay man on Broadway – which seems to make Furness think that the people who ask whether Jackman is gay, might have a hard time distinguishing between fact and fiction. Furness asked in exasperation, “And if you [Jackman] play a psychopath, does that mean he’s a psychopath?”

Jackman tries to look at the endless discussion about his private life with a silver lining – proving his ‘nicest guy in Hollywood’ reputation correct.


“I think on some level,” Jackman said, “It’s a compliment, you know, because it only happens when you’ve got to a certain point in your career.”


2. If this baby doesn’t become an Olympic swimmer, we’ll eat our snorkel. Click here to check out the amazing footage of her swimming a lap in one breath.


3. Jessica Simpson welcomes her second child.

No, she didn’t name her baby Ketut. But close.

Jessica Simpson and her fiancé, Eric Johnson, have welcomed their second child, a boy called…

Ace Knute (pronounced Ka-nute) Johnson, a rep for Simpson confirms. The baby was born on Sunday in Los Angeles via scheduled C-section, reports Us Weekly.

Baby Ace joins big sister Maxwell, who is nearly 14 months.



4. The viral sensation in which a dad re-enacts conversations with his 2-year-old daughter – with hilarious results.

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 10.13.00 AM
Image via Beyonce’s Tumblr.


5. Beyonce raids her daughter’s shoe closet. 

Fashion designer Tom Ford gave Beyonce and Jay-Z’s 16-month-old daughter, Blue Ivy, a pair of custom-made pink ribbon heels and well, perhaps don’t quote us on this, but maybe just maybe, Bey was jealous because she’s uploaded a picture of herself squeezing her foot into the shoes.


6. These wedding rings are just… well, in Kath and Kim’s words, they’re noice, diff’rent and definitely unyuuusual. Click here to see 11 bizarre designs.



7. Why Channel 7 chose Kochie over Mel (and how much it cost her).

Sydney Confidential is reporting that Channel Seven told Melissa Doyle she would step down from her appointment as co-host of Sunrise and accept a $150,000 a year pay cut.

A network insider revealed the offer was non-negotiable and a “shattered Doyle accepted the terms with little complaint”.

“She thought she was going to die in the chair and was stunned that the decision had been made to replace her. But, because she works and has become accustomed to being on a high salary, resigning was not an option,” the insider revealed.

When Doyle announced her resignation on June 20, she said in a statement: “I’ve been offered a great opportunity to front a new, prime time network news initiative”.


”I decided it was time to take on a new challenge and so it is with great sadness that I announce I will be leaving Sunrise.”

According to News Corp it seems her new opportunity, is a “hastily created one that represents a demotion” for Doyle who has been the co-host of Sunrise for 14 years – nearly 12 of those alongside David Koch.

Doyle’s new appointment is covering the 4:30pm afternoon news bulletin with the possibility of joining Matt White at the desk of a new evening news bulletin on Seven’s digital channel, 7Two.

Doyle has been replaced by Samantha Armytage, who is eight years her junior.


8. Royal Baby fever is off the charts right now. As the world waits for Wills and Kate to have theirs, click here to see a gorgeous collection of vintage royal baby shots.


9. Justin Beliebers will beliebe anything. ANYTHING.

What does it take to be a true Belieber?  Follow the way of your tiny pop king blindly and love him without compromise. WITHOUT COMPROMISE.

At least, that’s the standard set by the belibers in this clip.

Jimmy Kimmel sent a reporter to a Justin Bieber concert this week, and her only job was to make up ridiculous lies about him to see if it would turn any fans off their dream boy.

It didn’t. And the way they go in to bat for him is hilarious.


10. Think you look funny doing pushups? Just wait until you see a walrus do one. Yes, a walrus. Click here to witness the hilarity.


11. What the rest of the world thinks about our new old Prime Minister.

We had a good laugh/cry when we saw the ’12 Essential Expressions Of Australia’s New Prime Minister,’ on Buzzfeed this morning, click through for the rest of the images here.

Rock On Prime Minister!


Rudd shows off his Jedi mind tricks:

11. A survey has revealed which celebrities have husbands and wives asking for a ‘hall pass’ – click here to see who came out on top.


12. And in fashion news… A plus-size fashion magazine. And it’s actually stylish.

Stylish and freaking FABULOUS.

DARE Magazine is new fashion mag that’s just been launched in Canada. It began as a thesis project for fashion student Diana Di Poce in her final year and it was so fab that she received backing to launch the mag as an actual glossie. Check out the first cover:

G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S (Click here to see the whole mag!)

Diana spoke to Thought Catalogue recently about why she created DARE:

DARE is dedicated to catering to curvy women sizes 12+. Although the magazine is targeted towards plus women, I didn’t find it necessary to label it as a plus-size magazine in the logo or in the aesthetic. The average woman in North America is a size 14, so I didn’t see a purpose in stamping a 12+ label on the website or on the cover of the first issue. Similar to how I flip through straight-size fashion magazines for trend inspiration knowing that I won’t be able to fit into these garments or shop at the stores mentioned, I want all women to be able to go to DARE as a fashion and beauty bible.

And it really is a fashion bible. Check out some more pics:

Pictures: Dare Magazine

HELLS YES. Well done DARE Magazine. Well done.

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