
Bumble BFF dating is the new way to find your next bestie.

Thanks to our brand partner, Bumble

At the start of the year I packed up all my belongings and moved to the bright lights of Sydney.

A new city, a new job, an unusual work schedule, and a penchant for spending way too much time in front of Netflix looking at dog memes on the internet, meant it was near impossible for me to meet new people in real life.

After about six months in my brand new city I was ready to make some new friends. I had started to miss my regular catch-ups with my old mates, and I was looking for some gal pals to create some new memories and some ‘you had to be there’ personal jokes with.

I wanted to meet people who’d share my love of dumplings, would be keen to explore the local walking tracks with our dogs, or would love to watch the latest horror flick at the movies.

That’s where Bumble comes in. You may know Bumble as the dating app which puts women in the driving seat, handing them the reins to make the first move.

Basically, if a woman matches with a man or woman she has to start a conversation with them within 24 hours or the match will disappear. Feminism, hey?

But what you might not realise is Bumble is connecting new BFFs and creating lasting friendships on a daily basis.

bumble BFF
"I felt like a could share a cocktail and good laugh with many of these women." Image: Supplied.

Creating my Bumble profile was super easy - I uploaded a few pics, wrote a little blurb about myself (making sure to note my love for cheese and onion chips and indoor plants) and then linked up my Spotify account so my potential BFFs could witness my intense obsession with all things Aussie hip hop.

Then I started swiping. Bumble BFF works just like the dating side of the app - you browse through profiles and swipe right if you think they could be your new BFF and swipe left if you just don't think you'd have that much in common.

I was surprised by how many profiles caught my eye - I felt like a could share a cocktail and good laugh with many of these women.

The Bumblers were all there for the same reason - they wanted to make some new friends and expand their own social circles. Some of them had moved cities like me, some had moved from far-reaching places, others had suddenly found themselves with more room in their lives for new gal pals.


Some were single, some were attached, others had just come out of a long-term relationship.

"I've been on Bumble for a few weeks now and I can't wait to get home from work at night so I can check in with potential besties." Image via iStock.

Within a few minutes I had matched with a couple of BFFs and started chatting. I was relieved at how easy it was to chat to these potential mates on Bumble - the conversation just flowed and I could imagine sitting across from these women in a coffee shop and sharing a laugh.

Bumble is a location-based app so you can connect with people from your own stomping ground - which is great if you live in a big city and perfect if you're from a regional or remote area. I'm from Sydney's Inner West so I was really keen to meet some other Inner West locals.


Linking up your Spotify account and writing an honest little blurb about yourself means you and your potential BFFs can immediately identify common interests - which makes those opening conversations easy and fun. I haven't had an awkward or stunted conversation yet.

After a few weeks of chatting on Bumble, I knew it was time to take these online friendships out into the real world.

I was little bit nervous, of course. It's always a bit awkward when you first meet people, but I knew I just needed to take a chance and put myself out there.

So a few days ago I met up with a bunch of women who had all connected on Bumble. After those first few stunted moments of introducing ourselves - and a few brief awkward silences - we fell into a familiar rhythm of chatting, laughing and just being ourselves.

I've met a photographer, public relations consultant and a freelance editor - all interesting, diverse women who live fulfilling lives. The one thing we have in common is a desire to have genuine connections and good times in our lives. Not too much to ask for, right?

We've already planned another catch-up - and I'm so glad that I took the plunge. I can honestly say that Bumble has opened me up to a world of potential new friendships.

Have you met a friend or partner off Bumble? Tell us your story below.

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This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Bumble.

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