
The ad that captures exactly how every mother looks pushing a pram.

If you’re not wearing a bikini while pushing your baby in a stroller, you’re doing it wrong.

How many times have you stepped out for a run in your bikini with your baby in a very expensive pram, only to look in disgust at all the other mums wearing BAGGY clothes and LEISURELY WALKING with their child?

All the time, right?

Thankfully, the team at Bugaboo have a pram for you, and an excellent ad to go along with it.

It features Ymre Stiekema, 23-year-old Dutch model and mother of a two-year-old girl, running in a bikini with the new Bugaboo Runner. The caption alongside says: “See how model and mum Ymre Stiekema stays fit and healthy with the Bugaboo Runner.”

The offending ad in question. Image via Bugaboo Facebook.

Strangely, Bugaboo weren’t anticipating the reaction to the ad, which has been hilarious.

Comments like “realistically, this mother should be wearing black leggings and a vomit-soaked zip up hoodie” dominated the Facebook post, while others suggested that the pram-makers were making us mere mortals feel shoddy for not jogging in our bikinis daily.

Click through a selection of the comments below. Post continues after gallery. 

Bugaboo, bless them, are standing by their ad, because it was intended for ‘fit mums’.

“We want to inspire mums and dads everywhere to explore the world with their families, while keeping up with an active and healthy lifestyle,” a statement released by the company said.

Um. That ad might inspire us to go for a run. Or it might inspire us to stay home in our Snuggie and never venture outside again, lest we get run down by a power-running model who doesn’t jiggle. Even a little bit.

We know EXACTLY who that ad is aimed at. The women who think that it’s reality, and indeed, it is their reality.

Mothers like these:

(Post continues after gallery)

We know, we know… It’s just like looking in a mirror.

What do you look like when you’re pushing your pram? 

For more on parenting… 

She went out for pancakes and found herself in the middle of a parenting shit storm.

Let’s be honest – a lot of the time, parenting sucks.

All of your parenting problems have just been summarised by a hashtag.

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