I feel like a fashion ninja, because somehow, I’ve managed to trick everyone I know into thinking that I’m very cool and stylish. Yes, it’s true – I, the romance novel-reading, bespectacled, nerdy mum from the suburbs, have recently heard acquaintances describe me as “fashionable”, “hot” (!!!) and “cool”.
And it’s all because I’ve added some very easy and super cheap styling tricks to my usual jeans and t-shirt! Of course, I could not keep these fashion hacks to myself. I want to share my new powers of style and cooooool with you all. Sharing is caring, right? Or at least, that’s what my 3 year old daughter tells me when she wants some of my chocolate.
Starting point: the base outfit:
Here I am, in my standard mum-uniform. Stripey t-shirt, blue jeans and black flats. If I met this lady walking down the street, I’d describe her as “clean” and “okay”. Is that what I want on my gravestone? NO. Personally, “Fabulous, and a witty force to be reckoned with,” is one gravestone suggestion that I shall put in my will for my husband to read. Oh, and yes, a bit of fashion magic is required. Read on!
Calves, cuffs and colourful flats.
Jeans today are all about that slightly cropped length. Ankles are “in”, I guess. Isn’t it weird that a body part can be fashionable? Anyway, to instantly transform your jeans into something that looks a little more stylish and chic, just roll ‘em up a few times to expose a bit of ankle. I feel like I’m winning when I do this, mostly because I saw a designer pair of cuffed jeans selling for $320, and all I did was roll up my $19 Target jeans. See? This fashion makeover was practically free!