
2 years into parenthood, Buddy and Jesinta Franklin said they no longer feel in "survival mode".

Content warning: This post includes discussion of pregnancy loss that may be distressing to some readers.

Jesinta Franklin (née Campbell) and her husband Lane 'Buddy' Franklin have been an iconic couple in Australia for quite some time now.

Jesinta, a former Miss Universe Australia winner and Buddy, an AFL player for the Sydney Swans, have also welcomed two children in the last few years.

But amid their very public profiles, their private life has remained exactly that – private.

Watch: Jesinta Franklin speaks about her husband Lance 'Buddy' Franklin. Post continues below.

Video via Sky News.

Jesinta and Buddy first met in 2013 when they were both in their early 20s. 

At first, Jesinta actually rejected Buddy's advances.

"He got my number off someone, and then he just started messaging me. And I was like, 'Um, I'm not dating at the moment. I'm dating my career'," she told Beauticate in 2017.

"Cringe! Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. Back then, as soon as I came back from competing at Miss Universe, I hit the ground and the years following were insanely busy. Weekends were non-existent, and I never took any holidays. I was so busy I couldn't imagine fitting in any dating."


Fast forward a few years, and they went on their first date.

The couple later became engaged in December 2014, before getting married in an intimate ceremony with their immediate family and close friends in a private garden in New South Wales' Blue Mountains in November 2016.

Speaking about the highlight of their wedding to Vogue Australia, Jesinta said her first dance was a particularly special moment.

"I remember that vividly. The song that played meant a lot to Bud and me and it felt like it was just us in the room," she shared.

"We didn't have dance lessons; we literally just held each other and swayed. It was really moving and I'll never forget that feeling. There was nothing contrived, it was all relaxed."


Almost three years after their wedding, the couple announced they were expecting their first child. But the pregnancy announcement also came with stories of previous miscarriages. 

"In the early days, [pregnancy] was so stressful, just because I didn't know what was going to happen. This is my fourth pregnancy and I still don't have a baby, so there was a lot of anxiety in the first few months," Jesinta said at the time to Mamamia.

"Every twinge, every feeling, everything made me worry and overthink. I lost a little bit of my innocence, over the last two-and-a-half years: that positive outlook. I had to protect myself," she continued.

"You don't want to start to envision a life with this baby in case, you know, this baby might not be in your life. I really wanted to wait to announce our news at 20 weeks when you have the full anatomy scan, but the media had already gotten a hold of it."


In late February 2020, the couple welcomed their daughter, Tullulah Franklin, who they were both "absolutely besotted" with.

A year later, Jesinta and Buddy welcomed their son Rocky. 

As for the couple's parenting styles, Jesinta told Mamamia: "I don't want my children to think a lavish lifestyle is the norm. That's not how we were raised. We were raised on properties in hand-me-down clothes or op-shop clothes. Very simple. We were allowed to have our childhood. I want my children to have that too."


Another thing that Jesinta and Buddy have expressed is their passion for promoting Indigenous voices and recognition, especially considering Buddy is a Noongar-Whadjuk man.

As Jesinta said to Marie Claire: "I've never been judged for the colour of my skin, my culture, where I was born or who my parents are. It's not my lived experience, but it is Buddy's and his mum's and sisters'."

She continued: "Obviously, I'm guided by Buddy, but I've also taken the initiative to educate myself so I can be the best mum to our First Nations babies and the best ally I can be. I feel like I have a big responsibility to ensure my kids can connect to culture and can continue to share their history and be the storytellers for the next generation."

Unfortunately, like many Indigenous sports people, Buddy has experienced racism, including being the subject of racial vilification from the crowd

But Buddy has proved time and time again he's one of the greatest in the game, both on and off the field.

Back in March, he kicked his 1000th career goal – something that will be etched in the memory of footy fans forever. 

"I haven't had too much time to reflect on it just yet but obviously it was a significant moment," he told Fox Sports

"I absolutely loved it. It was such a special moment to have those people that have been through everything with me."


Jesinta and the two kids were also front and centre, celebrating the win with Buddy.

Speaking about the milestone, Jesinta wrote on Instagram: "Memories we will cherish forever. What a weekend. Friends and family made an incredible effort the last two weeks to be in Sydney for Bud to celebrate him kicking 1000 career goals. Whilst not everyone could make it, the love and support from family and friends near and far has been overwhelming, we are just so grateful."

As for addressing the rumours of Buddy's impending retirement, Jesinta said to Stellar this week that her husband is reluctant to hang up his AFL uniform.

Just recently, Buddy announced he had signed a new one-year deal with the Sydney Swans.

"It was truly a very difficult decision. We're at that point in our lives where we're starting to think about the next chapter and the next stage, and what that looks like. This year, as time went on, he just wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He was still thoroughly enjoying football, but I think the pull of family and spending more time with the kids intensified," Jesinta explained.


She went on to note that among the football culture, it's well known that during footy season, a lot of the responsibility – and burden – of parenting is placed on the partner not playing sport. There's little flexibility in schedules, with Jesinta saying there are sacrifices associated with it all.

"I'm probably more ready for him to retire than he is. I'm his wife... and I want to support him in following his dreams and goals. Football careers don't go on forever. It's open-ended; we'll see how next year goes."

Jesinta also told Marie Claire that she is hoping to put more focus into her own career and ambitions. 

"One of the biggest challenges for me has been finding our new normal as a couple and a family and trying to find the right balance between being the best mum to our kids, and also wanting to continue to pursue my own professional dreams and goals," she said.


Listen to You Beauty: Pregnancy totally changed Jesinta Franklin's beauty routine. Post continues after audio.

"Often our needs as a mother can be at the very, very, very bottom of the pile under everything else we are trying to juggle, so re-learning how to take care of myself while being a mum has definitely been a journey... and something I haven't quite perfected yet."

Just recently she was announced as the new global ambassador and face of Australian-born swimwear brand Seafolly.

"I feel lucky. I'm always joking that it's nice the kids will get to see me on a [Seafolly] billboard now – it's always Bud [with the high profile]; now I've got some bragging rights, too," she said to Stellar.

When the couple are away from the spotlight, Jesinta explained that they are going through the everyday parenting troubles that most people face. The parameters surrounding technology and kids is just one example. 

"It's harder and harder now with technology and the digital world, and thinking about the media and how much we expose our children," Jesinta previously told Mamamia. 

"I think it's going to be hard to parent in this day and age. Then, on the flip side, one weekend, [Buddy and I] were staying in this baller [incredible] villa, and I turned to my husband and said, 'In one generation, look at our upbringing compared to how our child is going to be raised... how are we going to navigate this with our children?'"


Buddy and Jesinta have also struggled with keeping their children out of the spotlight. The couple have chosen to keep their kids' faces hidden on social media, but navigating the intrusions of the paparazzi is a whole other kettle of fish.


While pregnant, Jesinta also felt uncomfortable being photographed without her knowledge or permission. 

"It's certainly different and sometimes confronting being in front of cameras when there are so many changes happening to my body. I feel quite outside of my body and uncomfortable in ways," she shared.

Now with her daughter Tullulah, 2, and son Rocky, 1, Jesinta said she has begun to settle into motherhood. But the journey has come with its own set of challenges.

"A lot of people don't talk about how hard it is on your marriage having children. I just felt I was in the trenches for a good two years there. It was an intense period of my life and I was in such a grind," she said this week.

"I actually feel like I'm finally starting to really enjoy motherhood. And it's not that I didn't enjoy it before, or that I didn't love my kids or they didn't bring me so much joy and love. I felt like I was in survival mode for a long time. Now, I can't wait for them to wake… I miss them when they go for naps."

If this has raised any issues for you or if you would like to speak with someone, please contact the Sands Australia 24 hour support line on 1300 072 637.

This article was originally published on March 3, 2022, and was updated on October 31, 2022.

Feature Image: Getty.

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