
Bargain bucket list: 13 adventures you can actually afford.

Bucket list: (noun)

A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.

What does your bucket list look like? Have you managed to compile a ‘to-do’ list of places to see and adventures to relish before you shuffle off this mortal coil?

If the internet is to be believed, most people’s bucket lists include at least one place that looks like this:

A beach in The Maldives where it naturally  Beautiful but possibly a little out of the average person's reach.


Or this:

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Zhangye Danxia Landform in Gansu, China (Image via

Which is, of course, lovely. But what if you can't afford it?

The best bucket lists don't have to be extravagant or extreme. So here's a list of affordable (sometimes free!) adventures you might want to add to yours.

1. Pose for a life drawing

Life drawing (also known as figure drawing) is the study of the human form in various positions. The life model might be standing, seated, nude or partially clothed. You might be posing for one artist at a studio or for a number of artists at a school. It is entirely up to you and your own personal boundaries. Approach your local community college or search online to see if they need models.

2. Snorkel on The Great Barrier Reef

We really do have access to the most beautiful places on earth in our backyard. The largest living structure on the planet, The Great Barrier Reef is bigger than the states of Victoria and Tasmania combined. There are great deals all the way up the Queensland coast to take advantage of. The Great Barier Reef isone of those places you REALLY need to experience before you die. The Queensland Tourism website has some great tips and information to help you plan your trip.


3. Stomp grapes

This is such a fun and unique experience - and it can cost as little as $30 a head (check out this one from the Hunter Valley Resort in the Hunter Valley, NSW). There is nothing like the feeling of grapes between bare toes as you jump in the oak barrel to experience the age-old tradition of pressing by foot.


4. See the turtles hatch.

Places like The Mon Repos Turtle Rookery Visitor's Centre on the Queensland central coast is open from 7pm to midnight and offers guided talks and tours to see turtle nesting (November to January) and turtle hatching (January to March). You'll get to witness the cute hatchlings rushing toward the ocean. Such a unique, beautiful experience.  For more information visit Mon Repos Conservation Park.

4. Attend a grand final (or any huge sporting event)

Even if you're not a big sport devotee, nothing beats the atmosphere of a grand scale sporting event. Maybe save this experience for when your team or the country you barrack for makes the final cut - but  be sure to experience it at least once in your life.

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The Collingwood vs. Geelong 2011 Grand Final. (Image via Getty images)

5. Stay in your city like a tourist.

How often do our visitors see more of our own city than we do ourselves? So instead of having to juggle airports and long drives, head to your nearest city and visit it like a brand new visitor would. Do all the touristy things - go to the zoo or theme park. Eat out at restaurants and take in the theatre. Grab a massage and sip champagne while overlooking the city. Even one night away can make you feel like you've been on a holiday.

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Image via iStock

6. Learn a language

Lots of us regret not learning a language - but it's never too late. And it's also not expensive. You can attend classes at places like The Alliance Française in Melbourne, or just buy some audio tapes and teach yourself. It not only improves memory and brain power, it adds a whole extra dimension to you as a person.

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Image via iStock

7. Join a trivia team

Trivia teams are great for you for three reasons - 1) you meet new, like-minded people, 2) it improves your memory and 3) it's a LOT of fun. Also the best (and most important) part of any trivia team is the team name. Some greats include Agatha Quiztie, Trivia Newton John and Les Quizerables.

8. Foster an animal

There could be lots of reasons why you aren't prepared for the long-term commitment of an animal. This doesn't mean you can't nurture one anyway. Fostering a cat or a dog (providing interim care until they find their 'forever' home) is a beautiful, less demanding way to help out and get your animal fix. The benefits for both parties can't be overestimated. Places like the Lost Dog's Home are always on the lookout for foster parents.


9. Learn a new dance

Maybe it's a cliche but who cares - it's invigorating and if you never try it, you'll never know - right? Life is for living and dancing is both exhilarating and if we're honest, sometimes a little daunting. But anything that gets the heart racing is going to be good for you. The Artz Collective Studio run reasonably priced dance classes for adults in

  • Ballet
  • Body Shaping Burlesque
  • Jazz / Funk
  • Latin / Ballroom
  • Irish Dance
  • Musical Theatre
  • Tap Dance
  • Singing
  • Hip-Hop/Funk
  • Acrobatics / Cheer Squad
  • Lyrical

Don't worry about being a beginner, everyone has to start somewhere!

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Image via Getty Images

10. Fly in a hot air balloon

This one is on a lot of bucket lists. Most states have ballooning options, and it's definitely worth the small sum to experience it. Places like the Barossa Valley Ballooning company in South Australia provide a complete package with champagne breakfast and views that will take your breath away.

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Image via iStock

11. See Uluru

Uluru remains sacred to a number of Aboriginal people who still perform rituals in the caves and make new rock paintings. It is worth signing up for a quality tour that includesa visit to see this remarkable art. Each side of Uluru has a different creation story associated with it, and with an experienced local guide you can hear all of the colourful tales that form the basis of Aboriginal culture in this important part of Australia. There are some great tips on how to plan your trip here.

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Image via iStock

12. Learn an instrument

It's a bit like learning a language, and it's never too late to start. Perhaps you've always regretted not picking up the violin at school or have a hankering to learn the drums. The Australian Institute of Music has short courses in a variety of different instruments. Alternatively, there are always local tutors who will often come to you.

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Image via Getty Images

13. Write your story

It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, and no one ever has to read it, but we all have a story in us. It's also a great way to leave behind an accurate story of your life for your family to keep. Get your creative juices flowing. Start slowly and build it steadily.


We'd really love to hear your own suggestions for our affordable bucket list. We hope we might have inspired you to start ticking some of yours off.


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