reality tv

OUR HEARTS. All the best reactions to Brooke's emotional departure from The Bachelor.

To keep up to date with The Honey Badger, AKA Nick Cummins, and all the best Bachelor 2018 news, cast and roses, check out our Bachelor hub. It’s a blast.


Does Channel Ten not understand what fragile beings we are?

Yes, Bachie favourite Brooke left the mansion tonight and we’re not quite ready to talk about it but we’ll do our best.

(Or you can go ahead and check out the recap here.)

The 23-year-old social worker decided to head home after suspecting her strong feelings weren’t reciprocated by the rugby star… seeing as, you know, he’d been dating, pashing and having half-naked swims with a bunch of other women at the same time for weeks and stuff.

Yeah, that’ll do it.

But as Brooke pulled the Honey Badger aside mid-rose ceremony to courageously lay her feelings on the line, he just… sat there.


While we’d been speculating for weeks that Brooke was going to take herself out of the equation, we didn’t expect it to be that… emotional.

And frustrating.

(We know we weren’t the only ones yelling at the TV for Nick to beg her to stay.)

Alas, he let her walk, and where are the tissues because this is just too much for us.

As the dramatic rose ceremony unfolded, fans took to Twitter to applaud her for high-tailing it outta there before getting hurt.


Also just to make some hilarious observations about the episode, because the internet.

Here are our favourite tweets of the night:












And our very favourite:

Now it’s down to Sophie and Britt…

Can it hurry up and be tomorrow night already? This is all becoming too much for us.

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