
After 8 years of infertility, this couple welcomes 4 babies in 3 months.

Zac and Brittney Wolfe always knew they wanted a big family

"That’s something we dreamed of," Zac told Good Morning America in October. 

The "life-changing" moment they became parents was incredible — not just because they welcomed four babies in just three months through adoption and IVF — but because of their eight-year-long journey to get there. 

Watch: The 3 person baby explainer. Post continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia. 

After the couple married in 2015, they started trying for their big family straight away. 

But after a year of trying to conceive without success, Brittney and Zac turned to a fertility specialist for medical advice, as per Brittney's blog, Wolfe Adoption Journey

The couple were "nervous" that Zac's spinal cord injury, which resulted in paralysis from the waist down following a car crash in 2011, would mean they could not conceive naturally. 

Their loved ones were seemingly nervous too, and encouraged the couple to "quit trying".


"It's hard to not try when everyone around you is having children," Brittney wrote. "Those that struggle with infertility know what I am talking about."

Zac and Brittney Wolfe. Image: Instagram @britt.wolfe.

While working with a specialist, the couple went through several rounds of intrauterine insemination, or IUI, all of which failed. 

It was then they moved on to in-vitro fertilisation, or IVF, where they completed seven transfers and fell pregnant twice before miscarrying.


The money, the time off work, the effort of travelling two hours each way to the fertility clinic and the stress of having to manage injections and medications made for an exhausting experience. 

"It was very trying because we were still working and trying to arrange our schedules of when we could go before [work] and go into work later," Zac told Good Morning America. "So, it was a lot of it was a lot of stress on us, and it's a lot of stress on relationships as well because it's hard."

Zac and Brittney Wolfe. Image: Instagram @britt.wolfe.


As such, the pair took a break to recover from their journey, before resuming IUI and IVF treatments again in 2020. But the results were all the same and just as disappointing. 

"We still had no definite reason we weren't able to get pregnant," Brittney wrote. "We accepted that we weren't going to able to conceive our own."

It was then the couple decided to look into private adoption and created a website and other social media pages to "connect with an expectant mother."

"For over a year, we had a lot of people reach out to us but unfortunately [they] all turned out to be scams," Brittney wrote. 

But when a neighbour told the couple about a woman who wanted to put her baby up for adoption, they explored that option as well.

"We didn't get overly excited, [thinking it is] probably going to be another scam," she said, later telling Good Morning America, "We were there from about the middle of her pregnancy. I was with her at her 20-week ultrasound when we found out it was a girl. I was there through all of her appointments."

While the pair said they were excited about the adoption process, they continued pursuing embryo adoption as well, in case either of their options failed.

"We'd had the failed embryo transfer and we also had so many [adoption] scams," Zac explained, with Brittney adding, "We knew both of them may not work. It's a 50-50 chance. So we went for it."


After transferring three embryos, they found out they were pregnant with triplets. 

"We got the [first] ultrasound and I said to the tech, 'Can you tell me there's one? Please, please tell me there's one because we really want this,'" Brittney Wolfe recalled. "And she smiled, and she said, 'Oh, there's two,' and I looked at Zac and we're both smiling, like, 'Holy cow, we're going to have three kids. This is so crazy.' And then [the tech] said, 'Oh my gosh, wait ... there's three,'" Brittney recalled.

They then welcomed their adopted daughter Charlie Ann in July 2023, 

Brittney Wolfe with her eldest daughter Charlie.


The pair were surprised to find that despite suffering multiple miscarriages, Brittney's pregnancy had no complications. 

"When you're going through this, you're so stressed out," Zac said. "And when Charlie came to us, I think that we weren't stressed as much, and Brittney's pregnancy went so good because we weren't focused on the negative. We got Charlie. We were so happy and Brittney's pregnancy went amazing."

Brittney ended up delivering the triplets — whom they named Knox, Noa and Navie — via C-section in October 2023, just 30 weeks into her pregnancy.

Brittney Wolfe with her son Knox. Image: Instagram @britt.wolfe.


Being parents of four babies under the age of one was a challenge, Brittney shared, but the process was one they were thankful for. 

Adopting their eldest child was also an insight for the couple, who learned "it not only blessed us with the joy of having a precious Charlie, but it also introduced us to how strong love and an amazing person by your side can exceed all doubts." 

Their son Knox is named after Knoxville, the city in Tennessee where the embryo transfer occurred. Their older daughter Charlie is named after the restaurant where the Wolfes first met her birth mom.

"We're going to blink and we're going to look back and say, 'How the heck did we do that?'" Brittney told Good Morning America. "But we did it. We're all thriving. It's going to be good."

Feature Image: Instagram @britt.wolfe.

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