
One of Australia's biggest YouTube stars just Snapchatted her relationship breakdown.

With 850,000 YouTube subscribers and 500,000 Instagram followers under her belt, Brittney Saunders is one of Australia’s most prolific social media personalities.

But on Tuesday night, loyal fans were privy to an aspect of the star’s personal life some would deem too personal for the internet – her relationship breakdown with fellow YouTube influencer, Dylan Ryan.

The sobbing and distressed 23-year-old took to SnapChat to announce the news, telling fans: “I’ve had my heart broken into a million pieces.”


The happy facade Saunders erected on social media came crumbling down as she admitted posts of her partying with friends were not indicative of life behind the scenes.

“I’ve been doing nothing but surrounding myself with family and friends because I can’t be alone right now,” Saunders, sitting in bed, began. “What I’m going to tell you now is something I was going to keep quiet about, but I can’t.

“I can’t keep pretending that everything is fine when it’s not.”

The refreshingly honest Saunders had only recently relocated from Sydney to Melbourne to live with Ryan, and the pair appeared in a video together on their joint ‘Vlog channel’ just six short days ago. The pair are thought to have been together approximately six months.

“Dylan has broken up with me – he’s left me,” she said. “His reason for that is that he ‘doesn’t love me anymore’, which is honestly really f*cking upsetting.”


While Saunders said she understood posting the short videos might be perceived as oversharing, she explained: “For me to get over this, I have to tell you.

“I’ve never loved or cared about anyone before like I do with him. It’s such a shame that he’s willing to throw everything away. I’m not going to hold it against him – nobody can help their feelings.

“My heart is breaking and I know this will be breaking a lot of your hearts too.”

The decision to call it quits was one that completely took Saunders by surprise, she added.

“I’ve never invested this much into someone. For the first time in a really long time I was like ‘yeah, I found my happiness’. You guys can see how much I f*cking love Dylan, but I was wrong.”


A photo posted by Brittney Lee Saunders (@brittney_saunders) on Aug 17, 2016 at 5:20am PDT


Through Saunders’ tears, however, came a wonderful message for her young and impressionable female fanbase.

“I want you guys to know that I’m going to be fine and I’m going to get through it,” Saunders said. “I’m always [telling] you guys to be strong and to stand up for yourself. I’m also preaching to never let anything get you down, but when things happen you can’t help but hurt.

“Please know that from this I will be okay. I’ve been through sh*t times, this being one of them. I knew I was so happy, but obviously not both parties felt the same.”

WATCH: The five ways to mend a broken heart. (Post continues…)


Saunders’ message of positivity and self-love penetrates almost every aspect of her content creation. In videos on her channel, she discusses issues of female empowerment, and how “a boy doesn’t define you”.

“I’m just going to take this opportunity to make myself a better version of myself,” she continued. “I’ve had my heart broken into a million pieces by someone I thought I’d so happily spend the rest of my life with, but I’m going to be fine.

“It’s going to take me a while, but I will come out on top and be better than ever before. Sometimes life just throws curveballs at you, and you can let these things define you, or you can pick up the pieces and move on to bigger and better things.”

Finally, the millennial asked that followers refrain from “spread[ing] hate” or contacting Dylan, adding: “It’s a sh*t enough situation as it is… sending hate is unnecessary.”

We’ve all been there, sister! We recommend ice cream, ice cream and more ice cream.

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