
She was violated while unconscious, now she needs your help.

“My legs were widespread in stirrups.”

When Sydney school teacher Brieana Rose* woke up from general anaesthetic after a procedure to check for cancer last year, she believed all had gone to plan.

That is, until a doctor from Norwest Private Hospital said something so shocking, she almost couldn’t believe it: She told Breanna one of the nurses had taken an explicit photo of her genitals while she was unconscious.

The photo was shown to two other nurses in the recovery room, ABC News reports.

Bizarrely, the nurse didn’t break the law by taking that explicit photo — and although she was sacked from the hospital and had her behaviour referred to the Nursing and Midwifery Council of New South Wales, she is still practising without restrictions or supervision.

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Breanna told the ABC: “I am a larger woman. To me, it’s obvious she took it to make fun of fat people.” (Photo via ABC News)

Now, Brieana has started an online petition calling for that legal loophole to be changed.

“My legs were widespread in stirrups. She shared these images with her colleagues – exploiting my vulnerability as a ‘joke’. But unbelievably, what she did is legal in NSW,” Brieana wrote.

“Disgracefully a woman taking a photo of another woman’s genitals without consent is currently legal in NSW,” she writes in the petition — referring to section 91 L of the Crimes Act, under which it is only an offence to photograph or film someone’s private parts for the purpose of sexual gratification.

That was not the case in Brieana’s case — so she is left without any legal. claim against the nurse.

“I’ve lost my dignity. There’s no legal recourse available to me… I’ve been told that because the images of my genitals were intended for cheap, cruel laughs among medical professionals – police can’t lay charges.”

The petition has already gained more than 3,000 signatures, and dozens of supporters have expressed sympathy for Brieana and disbelief that the strange loophole still exists.

“I personally think this is disgusting,” wrote one supporter.

“I’m signing this petition because I’m horrified that not only is this hideously disgraceful behaviour ‘legal’ but that there are supposedly civilised (for want of a better word) nurses who THINK that this is even remotely acceptable,” wrote another.

“No person has the right to expose someone else’s genitals in public,” wrote another.

We wish Brieana Rose all the best.

*Not her real name.

You can sign the petition here.


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