
Bridget Jones 3 has shot three separate endings. *THREE*

I’m trying really hard to fight an impending sense of doom with the third Bridget Jones film.

No, really, I am. I loved the first movie. I wasn’t even entirely offended at the second film. But the third? Well, it’s all feeling a little bit forced. 

Today The Mirror UK announced that the third and latest installment of the Bridget Jones empire has shot not one, not two, but THREE separate endings; with the cast to be just as surprised as the audience at the film’s premiere later in 2016.

Three separate endings? Seriously? Was that necessary?

Renee Zellwegger is reinstated in her role as Bridget Jones, but something doesn’t feel right.

I mean, at the heart of the original Bridget Jones flick’s success was the heart-warming, intrinsically English muddledness of it all.

Colin Firth had terrible hair, Renee Zellweger got a bit tubby for the role, and Hugh Grant wore awful shirts. It wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t Hollywood. It was normal, ugly, gutsy, hilarious, real life – and that’s why we loved it.

And now? Now we have slick superstar Patrick Dempsey sauntering around, numerous mega-budget alternative endings, a baby (A BABY?), and a lead star who looks vaguely like Renee Zellweger but could also just be a celebrity impersonator.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. After all, the leaked pics from the film show a glimmer of the original charm and hope is restored.

We see Bridget in the mud, Bridget in a mismatched outfit, Bridget sadly clutching a Christmas tree in the snow, and Bridget at what appears to be a music festival.

So pomp and ceremony of the third release aside, we are so excited to meet our girl Bridget again soon.

…Under one of three circumstances, of course.

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