
How did we forget how amazing this movie was?!

Thanks to our brand partner, Bankwest

Life’s tough you guys, we keep putting our feet through our jeans’ pre-ripped kneeholes, we still can’t figure out if it’s acceptable to like Justin Bieber and the great potato cake versus potato scallop debate has not yet been settled.

Thankfully, we know someone who gets us and our daily struggles: Bridget Jones, a lady whose hiccups and highroads remind us that everything’s going to be OK. While Bridget’s major life moments may be a little different than our own – she’s doing time in a Thai jail, we’re saving for a house, she has suitors fighting over her in the snow, we’re dreaming of a holiday – they’re not too different really. Except for the fact she can rock a bunny costume, and we… are simply not that brave.


You go girl. Image:

In anticipation of the new film, Bridget Jones’s Baby we’ve partnered with Bankwest, who are holding an exclusive preview screening of the newest addition, for a trip down memory lane. Frankly, we couldn’t be happier to wear a little orange alongside our Mamamia pink. Especially if it means a dalliance with Mr. Darcy.

Let’s get this nostalgia train a-rollin’ with a few of our favourite moments:

Any and everything about Bridget’s mum.

Bridget’s mum steals the show from the get-go with, “Now, what are you going to put on,” an expression heard by anyone with a nosy mum and quiet dating life, but she doesn’t stop there.

She’s also a pro at soul-shatteringly awkward statements like, “She used to run around your lawn with no clothes on remember?” and “Frankly darling, if I had the chance again I wouldn't have had children”. We’ve written two of these down in our ‘Zingers’ notebook for future reference.

It was at this point in our re-watching we had to pause because LOOK HOW DAMN CUTE COLIN FIRTH IS. Also his skin is positively radiant, what’s his secret?


Hey there Firthy Boy. Looking radiant as always. Image: Universal Pictures.

New Year’s Resolutions.

It’s okay Bridge, we don’t keep our resolutions either. Lofty ambitions, romantic endeavours, financial goals and aspirations of self-betterment quickly slowly fade away to become a distant memory. We do however, applaud you for your efforts:

“Resolution number one: Obviously will lose twenty pounds. Number two: Always put last night's panties in the laundry basket. Equally important, will find sensible boyfriend to go out with.”

And that’s why we love her – because all of Bridget’s struggles are our own. Our own resolutions look strangely similar:

“Resolution number one: Exercise…of some form. Number two: Stick to savings plan i.e. do not order Thai takeaway every night. Equally important, will find sensible boyfriend to go out with.”


Don’t be too hard on yourself Bridge. Your rendition of ‘All By Myself’ is top notch and who isn’t partial to a bit of vodka and Chaka Khan? Answer: not us.

Chaka and Resolutions. Image:

Work, work, work, work, work.

Bridget also totally gets us when it comes to the workplace. We’re also trying to get our careers up and running despite human-shaped roadblocks. Take Perpetua aka “slightly senior and therefore thinks she’s in charge of me,” or Mr. Titspervert “because that… is his name”. Daniel Cleaver also registers as a roadblock in Edge of Reason – we’ve kept ‘roadblock’ as a description and not something more colourful. Very high road.


Like most of us, she slogs it through that daily grind because she’s gotta. We’ve all worked for some Daniel Cleavers’ in our lifetime because let’s be honest, that holiday/house deposit/wedding we’ve been looking forward to isn’t going to pay for itself. Although we do we have to give Bridge some major props for telling her Daniel Cleaver where to go.

Side note: We’re pretty sure we saw Perpetua’s velveteen headband while online shopping the other day. On trend.


#trending Image: Universal Pictures.


Ah, the thrill of sending/receiving a flirty text from a floppy-haired man. We laugh and our heart races a little at “Is skirt off sick?”, a flutter that only increases during Bridget’s wedding daydream… but we’ve never done that of course. Nope. Never. Not even once.

We’ve also enjoyed a relationship with two men simultaneously aka Ben & Jerry, just like Bridge and have, in fact, got this in our planner for the weekend.

All four men from Bridget Jones. Images: Universal Pictures, Ben & Jerry's.

Granny panties.

In our younger, blissfully ignorant days, we laughed at the idea of granny panties and Bridget’s use of them to get close to the ‘crucial moment’. But it wasn’t until we got a little older and found our love of garlic bread didn’t lend itself to an always svelte tum that we truly understood.


We won't give up our love for garlic bread. Image: Universal Pictures.

The single life.

If you’re single and no one asks, “How’s your love life?” do you even exist?

Bridget embraces her independence in all aspects of her life with open arms. And we applaud her for that. No man? No worries. Her quest to break into a new career path, and her pursuit of self-fulfilment are nothing short of courageous. Independence isn’t a stretch for Bridge, in fact it suits her quite well. She’s what we call a boss lady – she can manage her finances, take herself on holiday and reward herself when necessary.  Teach us your ways, Bridge. Tell us your secrets.


The dreaded 'you're both single' set up. Image: Universal Pictures.

Bridget rocks her independence (with or without the dulcet tones of Chaka Kahn) in both flicks. She’s got a fair few verbal pow-wows up her sleeve but “suppose it doesn’t help that underneath our clothes our entire bodies are covered in scales” takes the cake.

You do you Bridget.

Baby it’s cold outside.

Some of the best scenes of Bridget Jones occur outside. Take the fight scene. It starts with “Alright Cleaver, outside” and ends with an ‘It’s Raining Men’ tangle of fisticuffs. Just glorious. In fact, glorious enough to get a repeat in the second flick.


"I like you. Just the way you are." Image:

Let’s not forget running after Mark Darcy in leopard print knickers – she went back for shoes but not her coat because #priorities – and “Beautiful Bridget! Beautiful Bridget!” a trip not easily forgotten from Edge of Reason.

What we’ve learned, on second thirtieth watching is that Bridget’s mum wins ‘Most Undervalued’, Daniel Cleaver, ‘Most Floppy Hair’ and Mark Darcy, ‘What Skincare Do You Use?’

But seriously, cards on the table, we just about punched through our keyboards with excitement during this trip down movie lane.

Bankwest are proudly partnering with Mamamia to offer 150 double passes to a preview screening, click here to enter. See you on the orange carpet. T&Cs apply.

What’s your favourite moment from the Bridget Jones franchise?

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